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Self Appointed Crazy-Haired Bossy Bat Has A Go At Chairman Of Whitley Council For Doing His Job Properly


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I don't see the relevance of where the unions are based, I really don't.

Also your example of the way the UK tried to deal with the unions in the 70's & 80's underlines my point perfectly. It resulted in 3 million unemployed, desimated whole industries & 30 years on many previously public services are a mess, the national debt is rising daily & unemployment is well on the way towards 3 million again.

Perhaps a better way of tackling our current financial problems would be to look towards the top of government payscales for savings. Not only are these people in a better position to afford cuts but their number seems to have increased exponentially in the last few years & would help provide evidence that we are "all in it together" and help dispell the widely held perception that cuts are reserved for the most vulnerable in our society.


In the 70s and the 80's how matters were dealt with was not the best but you had to intransigent sides. Changes were requred, probably what employeres were looking for were excessive but equally the unions wanted nil. We have that in the IoM now in my opinion. Unfortunatly parts of the public sector appears to be over staffed, over payed and on terms and conditions which result in excessive overtime, time off etc. In would be a wonderful Utopia if the Island had enough money to let that continue, that anybody who wanted to work could get a job with the governmet on a minimum £50,000 a week but that is not the case. There have unfortunatly to to be changes to pay, terms and conditions and manning levels. Those changes would be best brought about by negotiation and agreement however unfortunatly the union leaders give the impression that they would fight rather that agree any such changes.


As for not seeing the relevence of where Unions are based fair enough, but if you are part of a UK based union chances are that the thinking and way of working of that union will come from the top which is all in the UK.


As for top of governemt payscales, who said they should be unaffected. If they are overmanned, overpaid and on outdated terms and conditions then that should be addressed as well. It should not be an either or. If after addressing overmanning. excessive pay levels, outdated terms and conditions further cuts are required across the board then I would agree that those on a higher wage should probably bear a greater burden that those at the lower end.


However my point remains that presently parts of the public sector are obese you need to cut the fat first wherever is. My concern is that the union leaders though are looking in the mirror and seeing a fit body so expect the cream cakes to continue on coming in umlimited supplies.

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Unfortunatly parts of the public sector appears to be over staffed, over payed and on terms and conditions which result in excessive overtime, time off etc. In would be a wonderful Utopia if the Island had enough money to let that continue, that anybody who wanted to work could get a job with the governmet on a minimum £50,000 a week but that is not the case. There have unfortunatly to to be changes to pay, terms and conditions and manning levels. Those changes would be best brought about by negotiation and agreement however unfortunatly the union leaders give the impression that they would fight rather that agree any such changes.


Exactly in Oman they pay each citizen $100,000 a year just to stay at home and not work. They can afford to do that as they have shit loads of cash floating around and can do what they like. In the last 20 years here the unions have thought government is wealthy and can afford to meet these ludicrous pay demands. The fact is though that without the VAT agreement the Island has never had a pot to piss in and the 'wealth' of IOMG has all been a carefully crafted illusion spun by Keys and IOMG to make themselves look good. The die hard Manx labour MHKs have been the worst and the fact that Cretney is sitting over the DCCL which substantialy over pays bus drivers and baggage staff is absolutely no surprise at all. Overpaying public sector workers to do very basic no responsibility jobs is just an extension of the granny farming techniques MHKs have resorted to to keep themselves in power - keep your new council house even though your earning £40k a year driving a bus, pay bugger all in rent for it, and all you have to do is remember me every 4 years when I come back to knock on your door at election time. As the UK government has been writing the cheques behind these complete buffoons they have been able to pass themselves off as masters of the universe delivering unheard of income to their mates and spending other people's money like Russian oligarchs.


Here is the basic message - it has to stop because 1. We can't afford it and 2. We could never afford it.




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Overpaying public sector workers to do very basic no responsibility jobs is just an extension of the granny farming techniques MHKs have resorted to to keep themselves in power - keep your new council house even though your earning £40k a year driving a bus, pay bugger all in rent for it, and all you have to do is remember me every 4 years when I come back to knock on your door at election time.


Too true. But then that is the Isle of Man for you all over - small not very clever men hungry for power and even smaller men preferring to feed off the taxpayer rather than get off their arses and take some responsibility. We should have turned to communism in the 1970s - I think communism would have suited the Manx government and public sector workers quite well. As it is we are only one step off the Chinese economic model of the state controlling capitalism just enough to keep people happy and maintain it's role at the centre of everything.





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Well the BBC have made it all really easy to benchmark




Just put the baggage handlers £34k a year or a bus drivers £38k a year monthly gross salary into here and see how overpaid they are on a global basis.


At £2,833 a month a baggage handler is paid 136% of the average UK wage and 281% of the world average. This is for basic jobs that would be low paid anywhere else in the world.


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Or an MHK at nearly 500% of world average or senior civil servant at over 1000% of the world average. These are for jobs that for a population of 84 000 wouldn't even exist anywhere else in the world. What's your point - everything's relative?


I fucking give up. You government types do my fucking head in defending the undefendable. Those are the facts maybe other people might have an opinion on those facts. The BBC is a good neutral source also UK tax rates are higher than ours so it pushes the numbers out further.


Politicians and senior civil servants always get paid above the average. In most people's minds they potentially fall into the high earners category. Bus drivers and bag handlers rarely do. Do you get that part? That was my only point.


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