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The Real Big Brother


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My concern with the USA being the monitor of all electronic communication and media. is that if they consider anything transmitted which may be read or received by their citizens, which they may consider to be illegal, from someone in a country where it is not illegal to be a crime. They are not averse to demanding that our weak kneed bunch hand over their own citizens, and they invariably give in like the cowards that they are.


As proven recently....

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LDV the situation today is indeed very different to that in the Second World War. In that conflict, we faced the Axis nations, operating from well defined territory. Radio communications that originated from that territory were monitored, transcribed and decrypted. Today, however, we face threats that are just as severe in may ways. The 9/11 attack killed more people that the Japanese Attack on Pearl harbour, and our current enemies have an idealogical framework that is just as insidious and anti libertarian as that of the Nazis. Unfortunately, because this threat is loosely organised and not confined to any particular territory,and because of the internet, we cannot intercept hostile communications so easily.


In my view it is vital that we do effectively keep our enemies under surveillance. This includes signals intelligence, and clearly this has to embrace the internet. Unfortunately, as we don't have an enemy with a defined territory, nor radio signals that we can triangulate, the only way to filter communications that are of interest from the rest is by some sort of logical analysis. Unfortunately, I can't see any way of doing that without most or all emails, messages, tweets etc. being course filtered algorithmically to generate a much smaller set for the attention of human analysts.


I do not know whether this is done, or whether this is what the new project at the head of this thread will be doing.


Is this level of intrusion into our private lives justified? In my view it is commensurate to the threat that we face and therefore justified. Clearly, I would much prefer to live in a world where it isn't necessary, just as I would like to live in world where you could just walk onto a plane without scanning, x-rays, pat-downs and taking off your shoes. But I reluctantly accept all that so that I can travel. I also reluctantly accept that anything that I send out over the internet might well come under some level of scrutiny by security agencies.

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I used to think such brain-washed people were just an urban myth from before the 90's, from a time when people didn't have access to vast amounts of information so they could make their own minds up instead of parroting what governments and compliant media tell them is the truth, but clearly not, they still live on today. What a shame.



Is this level of intrusion into our private lives justified? In my view it is commensurate to the threat that we face and therefore justified.


You really couldn't make this up.

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Lxxx what is your assessment of the the threat we face?


In the UK we face far, far, far less of a threat now than we did in the 90's when we had the IRA issue, but the level of security measures we get now are grossly disproportionate to the threat levels, in my opinion. Back then we had explosions going off in major cities, alerts commonplace and people dying yearly at times, but still the level of hysteria wasn't anything like now.


We get hit over the head daily with phrases like 'global terrorism' when there is in effect no such thing. What we have are acts of 'terror' on a global scale, from disparate organisations all following their own agenda, usually related to localised issues they face. There is no co-ordinated worldwide terror organisation which seeks to blow us all to smithereens daily. There is now a plethora of ex-intelligence officers, government employees, military servicemen/women all coming forward now putting across the argument that our biggest enemy, Al-CIAda, is no big threat to us, yes they exist but they are mostly controlled by the very intelligence services that seek to tell us we should be fearful of them. But so long as we get told that they have 'foiled half a dozen plots in the past year so we must still be vigilant' then the public gives a little thanks and carries on getting groped whenever they go to an airport or carries on getting their liberties stripped bit by bit.


It is all about control, and the one thing you can rely on to whip the public into line is fear. Create an enemy (or exaggerate the threat of an existing one), maintain the level of panic, throw in some propaganda for good measure and the public will sleepwalk into whatever you want them to do. Joseph Goebbels had it spot on in the following;


“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”


He masterminded the brain-washing of an entire nation to get behind some very sick people... seems like we've nicked a few of his tips.

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I used to think such brain-washed people were just an urban myth from before the 90's, from a time when people didn't have access to vast amounts of information so they could make their own minds up instead of parroting what governments and compliant media tell them is the truth, but clearly not, they still live on today. What a shame.


Is this level of intrusion into our private lives justified? In my view it is commensurate to the threat that we face and therefore justified.


You really couldn't make this up.


Just because people have access to information more freely (i.e. the internet), this does not equal to more is better.


The internet is filled to the brim with the mad ravings of people who shouldnt be allowed out in society let alone near a computer.

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We get hit over the head daily with phrases like 'global terrorism' when there is in effect no such thing.


You have issues with that, but you believe their is an internatial conspiracy to take over the world by some shadow "uber" government?




I think it's pretty open, there's no conspiracy, it's called Globalisation. Big money and big business dictate government policy, it's no secret.

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I used to think such brain-washed people were just an urban myth from before the 90's, from a time when people didn't have access to vast amounts of information so they could make their own minds up instead of parroting what governments and compliant media tell them is the truth, but clearly not, they still live on today. What a shame.


Is this level of intrusion into our private lives justified? In my view it is commensurate to the threat that we face and therefore justified.


You really couldn't make this up.


The internet is filled to the brim with the mad ravings of people who shouldnt be allowed out in society let alone near a computer.


As you are very eloquently proving.

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I used to think such brain-washed people were just an urban myth from before the 90's, from a time when people didn't have access to vast amounts of information so they could make their own minds up instead of parroting what governments and compliant media tell them is the truth, but clearly not, they still live on today. What a shame.


Is this level of intrusion into our private lives justified? In my view it is commensurate to the threat that we face and therefore justified.


You really couldn't make this up.


The internet is filled to the brim with the mad ravings of people who shouldnt be allowed out in society let alone near a computer.


As you are very eloquently proving.


Says the raving looney who believes everything he can find on any tin pot website that doesn't have links to the "main stream".


What was it....Governments are going to fake Alien landings and the rebirth of Christ?

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I used to think such brain-washed people were just an urban myth from before the 90's, from a time when people didn't have access to vast amounts of information so they could make their own minds up instead of parroting what governments and compliant media tell them is the truth, but clearly not, they still live on today. What a shame.


Is this level of intrusion into our private lives justified? In my view it is commensurate to the threat that we face and therefore justified.


You really couldn't make this up.


The internet is filled to the brim with the mad ravings of people who shouldnt be allowed out in society let alone near a computer.


As you are very eloquently proving.


Says the raving looney who believes everything he can find on any tin pot website that doesn't have links to the "main stream".


What was it....Governments are going to fake Alien landings and the rebirth of Christ?


Haha, nice try sunshine, you'll have to try better than that to get yourself out of this one. It's okay though, as you're continuing to prove, some people really shouldn't be allowed near a computer screen for fear of revealing themselves to be thick as pigsh*t.

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What was it....Governments are going to fake Alien landings and the rebirth of Christ?


Haha, nice try sunshine, you'll have to try better than that to get yourself out of this one. It's okay though, as you're continuing to prove, some people really shouldn't be allowed near a computer screen for fear of revealing themselves to be thick as pigsh*t.


But you did link an article from some russian dude, which listed those two events as something the worlds governments would try.

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What was it....Governments are going to fake Alien landings and the rebirth of Christ?


Haha, nice try sunshine, you'll have to try better than that to get yourself out of this one. It's okay though, as you're continuing to prove, some people really shouldn't be allowed near a computer screen for fear of revealing themselves to be thick as pigsh*t.


But you did link an article from some russian dude, which listed those two events as something the worlds governments would try.


I also made the point at the time that the last two events listed, the ones you happened to have brought up, were so out there they were supposed to be tongue in cheek. If you want to trawl back through the forums you'll find this out...bye bye sunshine.

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What was it....Governments are going to fake Alien landings and the rebirth of Christ?


Haha, nice try sunshine, you'll have to try better than that to get yourself out of this one. It's okay though, as you're continuing to prove, some people really shouldn't be allowed near a computer screen for fear of revealing themselves to be thick as pigsh*t.


But you did link an article from some russian dude, which listed those two events as something the worlds governments would try.


I also made the point at the time that the last two events listed, the ones you happened to have brought up, were so out there they were supposed to be tongue in cheek. If you want to trawl back through the forums you'll find this out...bye bye sunshine.


Okay so only some of his crack pot "theories" were meant to be genuine, and some were tongue-in-cheek. Gotcha. :rolleyes:


I'm like the TT. I was here before you....and I'll be here when you've gone.

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What was it....Governments are going to fake Alien landings and the rebirth of Christ?


Haha, nice try sunshine, you'll have to try better than that to get yourself out of this one. It's okay though, as you're continuing to prove, some people really shouldn't be allowed near a computer screen for fear of revealing themselves to be thick as pigsh*t.


But you did link an article from some russian dude, which listed those two events as something the worlds governments would try.


I also made the point at the time that the last two events listed, the ones you happened to have brought up, were so out there they were supposed to be tongue in cheek. If you want to trawl back through the forums you'll find this out...bye bye sunshine.


Okay so only some of his crack pot "theories" were meant to be genuine, and some were tongue-in-cheek. Gotcha. rolleyes.gif


I'm like the TT. I was here before you....and I'll be here when you've gone.


Thanks, will remember that. Have a nice day.

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