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What was it....Governments are going to fake Alien landings and the rebirth of Christ?


Haha, nice try sunshine, you'll have to try better than that to get yourself out of this one. It's okay though, as you're continuing to prove, some people really shouldn't be allowed near a computer screen for fear of revealing themselves to be thick as pigsh*t.


But you did link an article from some russian dude, which listed those two events as something the worlds governments would try.


I also made the point at the time that the last two events listed, the ones you happened to have brought up, were so out there they were supposed to be tongue in cheek. If you want to trawl back through the forums you'll find this out...bye bye sunshine.


Okay so only some of his crack pot "theories" were meant to be genuine, and some were tongue-in-cheek. Gotcha. rolleyes.gif


I'm like the TT. I was here before you....and I'll be here when you've gone.


Thanks, will remember that. Have a nice day.


Good to see you can be so gracious in face of defeat. You're a better person for it.

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What was it....Governments are going to fake Alien landings and the rebirth of Christ?


Haha, nice try sunshine, you'll have to try better than that to get yourself out of this one. It's okay though, as you're continuing to prove, some people really shouldn't be allowed near a computer screen for fear of revealing themselves to be thick as pigsh*t.


But you did link an article from some russian dude, which listed those two events as something the worlds governments would try.


I also made the point at the time that the last two events listed, the ones you happened to have brought up, were so out there they were supposed to be tongue in cheek. If you want to trawl back through the forums you'll find this out...bye bye sunshine.


Okay so only some of his crack pot "theories" were meant to be genuine, and some were tongue-in-cheek. Gotcha. rolleyes.gif


I'm like the TT. I was here before you....and I'll be here when you've gone.


Thanks, will remember that. Have a nice day.


Good to see you can be so gracious in face of defeat. You're a better person for it.


Haha... Okay son, if it makes you feel better. Run along now.....

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Lxxx what is your assessment of the the threat we face?


In the UK we face far, far, far less of a threat now than we did in the 90's when we had the IRA issue, but the level of security measures we get now are grossly disproportionate to the threat levels, in my opinion. Back then we had explosions going off in major cities, alerts commonplace and people dying yearly at times, but still the level of hysteria wasn't anything like now.


We get hit over the head daily with phrases like 'global terrorism' when there is in effect no such thing. What we have are acts of 'terror' on a global scale, from disparate organisations all following their own agenda, usually related to localised issues they face. There is no co-ordinated worldwide terror organisation which seeks to blow us all to smithereens daily. There is now a plethora of ex-intelligence officers, government employees, military servicemen/women all coming forward now putting across the argument that our biggest enemy, Al-CIAda, is no big threat to us, yes they exist but they are mostly controlled by the very intelligence services that seek to tell us we should be fearful of them. But so long as we get told that they have 'foiled half a dozen plots in the past year so we must still be vigilant' then the public gives a little thanks and carries on getting groped whenever they go to an airport or carries on getting their liberties stripped bit by bit.


It is all about control, and the one thing you can rely on to whip the public into line is fear. Create an enemy (or exaggerate the threat of an existing one), maintain the level of panic, throw in some propaganda for good measure and the public will sleepwalk into whatever you want them to do. Joseph Goebbels had it spot on in the following;


“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”


He masterminded the brain-washing of an entire nation to get behind some very sick people... seems like we've nicked a few of his tips.


Lxxx having read your interpretation of the current security situation, I consider it risible and unsupported by one jot of genuine evidence.


I am sure I won't dissuade you from your view, but you appear to ignore 9/11,the 11 March 2004 Madrid Train bombings, 7/7 London Bombings, 21/7 attempted London Bombings, the 2008 Mumbai attacks, the 2002 Bali Bombings, the 2006 attempted train bombing in Germany, the 2006 Transatlantic Aircraft Plot, and many other jihadist attacks across the world.


You appear to believe that Irish Republican terrorism has disappeared, but it has not. The protagonists have simply morphed into the Continuity IRA, Real IRA etc,, and violent acts continue.

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Lxxx what is your assessment of the the threat we face?


In the UK we face far, far, far less of a threat now than we did in the 90's when we had the IRA issue, but the level of security measures we get now are grossly disproportionate to the threat levels, in my opinion. Back then we had explosions going off in major cities, alerts commonplace and people dying yearly at times, but still the level of hysteria wasn't anything like now.


We get hit over the head daily with phrases like 'global terrorism' when there is in effect no such thing. What we have are acts of 'terror' on a global scale, from disparate organisations all following their own agenda, usually related to localised issues they face. There is no co-ordinated worldwide terror organisation which seeks to blow us all to smithereens daily. There is now a plethora of ex-intelligence officers, government employees, military servicemen/women all coming forward now putting across the argument that our biggest enemy, Al-CIAda, is no big threat to us, yes they exist but they are mostly controlled by the very intelligence services that seek to tell us we should be fearful of them. But so long as we get told that they have 'foiled half a dozen plots in the past year so we must still be vigilant' then the public gives a little thanks and carries on getting groped whenever they go to an airport or carries on getting their liberties stripped bit by bit.


It is all about control, and the one thing you can rely on to whip the public into line is fear. Create an enemy (or exaggerate the threat of an existing one), maintain the level of panic, throw in some propaganda for good measure and the public will sleepwalk into whatever you want them to do. Joseph Goebbels had it spot on in the following;


“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”


He masterminded the brain-washing of an entire nation to get behind some very sick people... seems like we've nicked a few of his tips.


Lxxx having read your interpretation of the current security situation, I consider it risible and unsupported by one jot of genuine evidence.


I am sure I won't dissuade you from your view, but you appear to ignore 9/11,the 11 March 2004 Madrid Train bombings, 7/7 London Bombings, 21/7 attempted London Bombings, the 2008 Mumbai attacks, the 2002 Bali Bombings, the 2006 attempted train bombing in Germany, the 2006 Transatlantic Aircraft Plot, and many other jihadist attacks across the world.


You appear to believe that Irish Republican terrorism has disappeared, but it has not. The protagonists have simply morphed into the Continuity IRA, Real IRA etc,, and violent acts continue.


I haven't denied there are people/groups out there who wish us harm, my view is that the propaganda is disproportionate to the actual threat level.


At no point have I said that Irish Republican terrorism has disappeared either, but the threat to the mainland is vastly different now than it was 20 years ago.

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Lxxx, it isn't just a question of 'people out there' who wish us harm.' Thousands of people have actually died over the last decade. Simply put, I consider scrutiny of email and other internet based communications part of a proportionate response to that fact, aimed at protecting life and property.

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I consider scrutiny of email and other internet based communications part of a proportionate response to that fact, aimed at protecting life and property.

This is all very well in theory but unfortunately Governments have a habit of using information in ways not originally intended or foreseen. Personally, I distrust Governments and would rather live with a level of risk than lose my freedoms and privacy.

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I consider scrutiny of email and other internet based communications part of a proportionate response to that fact, aimed at protecting life and property.

This is all very well in theory but unfortunately Governments have a habit of using information in ways not originally intended or foreseen. Personally, I distrust Governments and would rather live with a level of risk than lose my freedoms and privacy.


As statistically I am more likely to die from suffocating in my own bed than from terrorism then I agree, it's a risk worth taking for freedom and privacy.

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I consider scrutiny of email and other internet based communications part of a proportionate response to that fact, aimed at protecting life and property.

This is all very well in theory but unfortunately Governments have a habit of using information in ways not originally intended or foreseen. Personally, I distrust Governments and would rather live with a level of risk than lose my freedoms and privacy.


As statistically I am more likely to die from suffocating in my own bed than from terrorism then I agree, it's a risk worth taking for freedom and privacy.


I'm sure those who have died/been injured/lost loves ones in terrorist attacks, are over joyed to know that.


For ever terror plot you hear about, others are being intercepted because of intelligence gathering, and you never hear about it.


So statistically, you talking out of your arse.

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I consider scrutiny of email and other internet based communications part of a proportionate response to that fact, aimed at protecting life and property.

This is all very well in theory but unfortunately Governments have a habit of using information in ways not originally intended or foreseen. Personally, I distrust Governments and would rather live with a level of risk than lose my freedoms and privacy.


As statistically I am more likely to die from suffocating in my own bed than from terrorism then I agree, it's a risk worth taking for freedom and privacy.


I'm sure those who have died/been injured/lost loves ones in terrorist attacks, are over joyed to know that.


For ever terror plot you hear about, others are being intercepted because of intelligence gathering, and you never hear about it.


So statistically, you talking out of your arse.


An argument so pathetic and devoid of any rationale it doesn't even warrant a reply. Come back when you've had a think before you start to tap away.

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Lxxx and EG it's a lot easier to take that view living somewhere like the IoM, where the threat seems remote. I lived and worked in London for thirty years. On 7 July 2005, I was evacuated from a Northern Line train at Kings Cross, and saw many of the blackened, screaming, bleeding and hysterical passengers who had walked back from the bombed Piccadilly Line train. I smelt the smoke from the bomb in the tunnels. On 21st July 2005, I was waiting in a meeting where one person failed to show because they were on the train that was bombed at Warren Street. Years earlier, my building had the windows blown out by a PIRA 'pot boiler' that was detonated to mark the renewal of the terrorism act.


So I don't buy the myth that the threat really is remote.

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A good article of the subject.




Had a look at the article. He "claims" a lot. Then you have the disclaimer at the bottom:


"Disclaimer: The contents of this article are of sole responsibility of the author(s). The Centre for Research on Globalization will not be responsible for any inaccurate or incorrect statement in this article."


So he could (and is more than likely) spounting bollocks.


And this from Wiki:


"In an op-ed in the conservative Canadian news outlet, Western Standard, Chossudovsky was listed as one of Canada's nuttiest professors "whose absurdity stands head and shoulders above their colleagues."[26] Specifically, the op-ed criticized GlobalResearch.ca as "anti-U.S. and anti-globalization"[26] and criticized Chussodovsky's "wild-eyed conspiracy theories", which provided the following three of his theories: that the U.S. had knowledge of the 911 attacks before they happened; that Washington had weapons that could influence climate change; and lastly, that the large banking institutions are the cause of the collapse of smaller economies.[26]

An article in The Jewish Tribune has also criticized GlobalResearch.ca as "rife with anti-Jewish conspiracy theory and Holocaust denial." B'nai Brith Canada had complained that there were comments on a forum moderated by Chossudovsky that questioned how many Jews died in the holocaust. Chossudovsky responded that there was a disclaimer that the website was not to be held responsible for the views expressed in the forum, and he had the comment removed. He also said that he was of Jewish heritage and would be one of the last people to condone antisemitic views.[27] The same article also reported that B'nai Brith Canada wrote a letter to the University of Ottawa asking for the university "to conduct its own investigation of this propagandist site."[27]

Chossudovsky has also been criticised as an "apologist for the Milošević regime", and for systematically distorting events in Albania and the wars in the Balkans in the 1990s.[28]"

Looks like Lxxx has found yet another "tin pot conspiracy nut" who makes loads of claims about alot of things, yet has no shred of evidence, only alot "claims".


But because its not main stream....it must be true

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I consider scrutiny of email and other internet based communications part of a proportionate response to that fact, aimed at protecting life and property.

This is all very well in theory but unfortunately Governments have a habit of using information in ways not originally intended or foreseen. Personally, I distrust Governments and would rather live with a level of risk than lose my freedoms and privacy.


As statistically I am more likely to die from suffocating in my own bed than from terrorism then I agree, it's a risk worth taking for freedom and privacy.


I'm sure those who have died/been injured/lost loves ones in terrorist attacks, are over joyed to know that.


For ever terror plot you hear about, others are being intercepted because of intelligence gathering, and you never hear about it.


So statistically, you talking out of your arse.


An argument so pathetic and devoid of any rationale it doesn't even warrant a reply. Come back when you've had a think before you start to tap away.


Care to explain? I'm sure you can find a fringe website link that would suit.

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Lxxx and EG it's a lot easier to take that view living somewhere like the IoM, where the threat seems remote.


Too true, while working in Brussels I made a trip back to the IOM to visit my mother. While driving up to Ramsey from Ronaldsway we saw a flash in the sky - that was Pan Am flight 103 exploding over Lockerbie, onboard was the guy I shared an office with.




"Arnaud Rubin was killed on Pan Am flight 103 due to a bomb being placed on board his flight. The bomb exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland killing him and all his fellow passengers. He was sitting at seat number 39G during the explosion. He was from Belgium."

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A good article of the subject.




Had a look at the article. He "claims" a lot. Then you have the disclaimer at the bottom:


"Disclaimer: The contents of this article are of sole responsibility of the author(s). The Centre for Research on Globalization will not be responsible for any inaccurate or incorrect statement in this article."


So he could (and is more than likely) spounting bollocks.


And this from Wiki:


"In an op-ed in the conservative Canadian news outlet, Western Standard, Chossudovsky was listed as one of Canada's nuttiest professors "whose absurdity stands head and shoulders above their colleagues."[26] Specifically, the op-ed criticized GlobalResearch.ca as "anti-U.S. and anti-globalization"[26] and criticized Chussodovsky's "wild-eyed conspiracy theories", which provided the following three of his theories: that the U.S. had knowledge of the 911 attacks before they happened; that Washington had weapons that could influence climate change; and lastly, that the large banking institutions are the cause of the collapse of smaller economies.[26]

An article in The Jewish Tribune has also criticized GlobalResearch.ca as "rife with anti-Jewish conspiracy theory and Holocaust denial." B'nai Brith Canada had complained that there were comments on a forum moderated by Chossudovsky that questioned how many Jews died in the holocaust. Chossudovsky responded that there was a disclaimer that the website was not to be held responsible for the views expressed in the forum, and he had the comment removed. He also said that he was of Jewish heritage and would be one of the last people to condone antisemitic views.[27] The same article also reported that B'nai Brith Canada wrote a letter to the University of Ottawa asking for the university "to conduct its own investigation of this propagandist site."[27]

Chossudovsky has also been criticised as an "apologist for the Milošević regime", and for systematically distorting events in Albania and the wars in the Balkans in the 1990s.[28]"

Looks like Lxxx has found yet another "tin pot conspiracy nut" who makes loads of claims about alot of things, yet has no shred of evidence, only alot "claims".


But because its not main stream....it must be true


As an author and political commentator he is critical of Israel, something you don't get away with in the media these days so you are going to be ridiculed. He was writing an OPINION, agree, disagree do whatever you want with it but relying on Wikipedia as your sole argument shows your complete lack of intelligence to form an argument of your own.

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