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The Real Big Brother


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I have a fundamentally different analysis, LDV. There is a huge divergence of ideas between Islamic fundamentalism and the modern, rational, broadly liberal world. I see this as being as significant as the difference between post and pre enlightenment European thought.


Whatever our foreign policy, this divide will remain. As I said previously, AQ's central ideology is much more to do with opposing liberal, progressive ideas within the Islamic world than it is to do with simply attacking the West. It is wrong to see the West's foreign policy as the main cause of Jihadist attacks, at their root is a fundamentally different world view.


I accept that Western foreign policy has been very unhelpful in countering anti-western sentiment in the Islamic world, but even if the UK were to adopt a very different stance in the world, it would still be necessary to counter the threat that emanates from Islamic fundamentalism, and the need for surveillance would remain. I agree that the state will very probably abuse some of the data that it captures from surveillance, and I resent the fact that my emails, messages, tweets even Google searches are very probably scrutinised by government systems. But on balance, I accept the need for it and am prepared to live with it.


Unfortunately, if you take a different view, it isn't possible to opt out unless you decide not to use most of the internet.


You talk about Al- CIAda as if they are some sort of omnipresent threat across the globe with an army of millions all waiting to inflict the next atrocity on the evil west. AQ was partially created by, and some intelligence analysts believe still is, a product of western intelligence and although the general idea behind it's creation has evolved and it has attracted more followers due to western foreign policy, the fact remains that it is still not the far-reaching global terror network you seem to believe it is that our security services have no handle on.


Some plots may evade and get through, other plots may be spotted and allowed to happen to 'focus' the western public's mind that wars in places like Iraq are somehow necessary for national security, when we all know the real reason we're in these places is not to make our streets safer but for the benefit of big business and to satisfy the huge military-industrial complex that dictates foreign policy.


They trot the same lines out every time, 'missiles that can reach London from Tehran' which we heard recently only differs slightly from 'missiles that can reach London from Baghdad' which we heard 10 years ago but still the public lap it up and go about their business irrespective of what is being done in their name. The increased surveillance is to keep a lid on the public so government can go about it's business with the least amount of disruption and objection from the serfs that keep them in power year on year.

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If your Smart TV starts calling you a fat git, it could be that its smarter that you really wanted, or more likely its been hacked.


"Now your TV could be infected by computer viruses: Technology security expert warns cyber criminals could infect millions of devices."




Viruses are coming to your smart TV, says Kaspersky chief. http://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/viruses-coming-smart-tv-says-kaspersky-chief/


The computer viruses coming soon to a TV near you - Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/news/10777434/The-computer-viruses-coming-soon-to-a-TV-near-you.html

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