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Can anyone recommend a modern game that is like Theme Hospital or Rollercoaster Tycoon? Bored of Wow, can't wait for D3 but fancy a little something to keep me away from stupid spider solitaire (which I will not leave alone until I have a 4 suit out)

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There's a great little game on Steam called Reccettear. You play a girl who runs an item shop in an RPG game. Adventurers come and go and buy things from you, you get to change your stock and your store layout and sometimes go adventuring yourself to pick up stock. It's a really smart twist on the traditional RPG mixed with 'theme park' elements. Brilliant if you like Theme Park + Wow.




Have you tried Minecraft? If you like the building aspect of Rollercoaster Tycoon, that might float your boat. Not so much a game as an online collaborative lego set, great fun if you like to just piss around online with other people.


If you like Wow - did you try Torchlight? Can be picked up quite cheap now I expect, this is kind of Wow crossed with Diablo but single player. Nice bit of fun while it lasts.


More mainstream there's The Sims series, Tropico, Anno, Civilization....


Oh there's some smart free to play games on Steam these days too. Realm of the Mad god, kind of like Wow crossed with a shooter which is quite fun but utterly frantic,


Most of the above has free demo's to try on Steam.

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I would never have had you down as a WOWer, thebees....


I liked the social aspect of WoW. I am not very good at computer games, luckily I met some nice Swedish guys and my hubby and brother in law (both rather good with games and that) managed to hide my poor ability quite well, they've all packed in now so I can't really play anymore, nothing worse than being told off by a 10 year old "Preeeeeeeast FFS HEEEEEL me" or "Mage, you are doing worse DPS than my lvl 25 tank" - it's quite heart breaking, these kids, what do they know about WoW? I played it back in the days when it was good, was in a real guild doing 40 man raids with friends all the time, none of this LFG over servers business, PUGGING sucks (especially when yer really bad at games)

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I would never have had you down as a WOWer, thebees....

........ I met some nice Swedish guys ......

Figures! It's endemic now amongst Swedish men. I think the dramatic decline in the birth rate in Sweden can probably be attributed to WOW addiction! Sadly, I saw some of my kids' friends totally flunk their exams due entirely to their WOW addiction. As you seem like a smart woman with a life, this did not compute for me!


ETA: If you fancy a game of backgammon online anytime, give me a shout.:-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Although not like Rollercoaster tycoon, try Star Wars: The Old Republic. Levelling will be relatively solitary right now as the EU servers are quite. We can hope for server merges/free transfers soon.


In the meantime though if you decide to have a go, I think they still have a recommend a friend free trial for 8 days. I'm no the EU server 'Niman', chars are Eloree and Obliv.


PM if you want the trial


p.s. even though it's quiet, the story line is superb with all quests being fully animated/voiced over, ultimately leading to the type of Sith you want to be. Good or bad etc.

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