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Solar Panel Tariff Appeal Loss For Uk Government


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Lxxx capital cost and time to cost recovery with meagre feed in tariffs is one obstacle. Another is that with solar, the sun goes in at night and batteries/inverters are poor at feeding high load appliances like washing machines, cookers and heaters. For that reason, most people remain connected to the grid, drawing from it when required, feeding into it when they are in surplus.

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If we must have a policy to get 15% of our power by renewables rather than spending more money we have not got on wind-farms no one wants.


Why not just buy some renewable generated electricity from one of the many UK wind-farm operators and import it via the interconector cable?


It may be more per unit to buy but I bet it will be a dam sight cheaper than building our own wind-farms what with the NIMBY planning rows for a start.



Having someone else generate our renewable energy for us because cannot afford it/can't be arsed is no better than the UK paying a third world country to take their landfill waste because they can't be bothered to deal with it themselves. It is just offloading our problem onto someone else.

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