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Science V Religion

Evil Goblin

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I am currently reading Dorothy Rowe's book "Why We Lie" and have come across the following passage:


Science and Religion belong to different categories of things. They are not better or worse, just different ways of thinking. Religion is about myths, fantasies and "oughts"; science is about what is. Religion requires faith in what seems improbable, science requires proof of what is provable. They are different ways of thinking about the world. All of us use both. When a person dies in mysterious circumstances, we use science to help us determine whether the person died of natural causes or was murdered. We might then wonder why, in the whole scheme of things, this person died. To contemplate the possible answers to this question we use myth, ethics and religion. Neither science nor religion can show us reality itself, but each gives us a different perspective on something we can glimpse only dimly but never bring clearly into view.


It seems that the zealots on both sides of the Athiests v Religion debate would benefit from realising the truth of this.

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