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Engineered Stem Cells Seek Out, Kill Hiv In Living Organisms


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Yeah, science is great unless those pesky scientists make brain eating nanobots by mistake......


Sometimes I think they have - and tested them on a few Manxforums posters!


As to the original subject - any progress towards defeating this horrible disease is welcome; not only to ease or erase the suffering, but also to let the god-botherers who claimed it was their deity's revenge on sinners know that it was no such thing.

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Yeah, science is great unless those pesky scientists make brain eating nanobots by mistake......


Sometimes I think they have - and tested them on a few Manxforums posters!


As to the original subject - any progress towards defeating this horrible disease is welcome; not only to ease or erase the suffering, but also to let the god-botherers who claimed it was their deity's revenge on sinners know that it was no such thing.

I am not a believer in god, but I do believe in Mother nature. She is trying her hardest to keep the worlds population in balance and failing. The more we try and eradicate various diseases, the more devious she has to be. If we 'cure' HIV, something else will rear it's ugly head and we will be back to square one.

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Yeah, science is great unless those pesky scientists make brain eating nanobots by mistake......


Sometimes I think they have - and tested them on a few Manxforums posters!


As to the original subject - any progress towards defeating this horrible disease is welcome; not only to ease or erase the suffering, but also to let the god-botherers who claimed it was their deity's revenge on sinners know that it was no such thing.

I am not a believer in god, but I do believe in Mother nature. She is trying her hardest to keep the worlds population in balance and failing. The more we try and eradicate various diseases, the more devious she has to be. If we 'cure' HIV, something else will rear it's ugly head and we will be back to square one.


I agree that population beyond what nature can sustain is a very bad thing, and that the results are likely to be negative.


To test your idea,though, why not turn it on it's head and ask whether that "something else" will be prevented from arising if we don't find a cure for HIV? I think the answer is no, because the two don't depend on one another.


Although nature sometimes seems to act like a conscious entity (as in the Gaia hypothesis), it is really the evolutionary "blind watchmaker" at work.


Pathogenic organisms, like all life, evolve to find ways of surviving in the environment they are in. So, when we devise drugs that kill (say) tuberculosis bacilli, a small population of those bacilli will be resistant to the drug and will survive. Those survivors go on to replicate and thus end up as the dominant strain. So, when we cure a disease, it will tend to be an ongoing battle in many cases. Occasionally, we manage a decisive victory, as in the case of Smallpox, where we managed to make the virus extinct and thus eradicated the disease completely.


In other words, it isn't a question of something else popping up, it's more that a new, improved version of the disease often emerges.

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Yeah, science is great unless those pesky scientists make brain eating nanobots by mistake......


Sometimes I think they have - and tested them on a few Manxforums posters!


As to the original subject - any progress towards defeating this horrible disease is welcome; not only to ease or erase the suffering, but also to let the god-botherers who claimed it was their deity's revenge on sinners know that it was no such thing.

I am not a believer in god, but I do believe in Mother nature. She is trying her hardest to keep the worlds population in balance and failing. The more we try and eradicate various diseases, the more devious she has to be. If we 'cure' HIV, something else will rear it's ugly head and we will be back to square one.



It's a good job we've got 'philanthropists' like Bill Gates then to give Mother nature a bit of assistance. Such a nice man.

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It's a good job we've got 'philanthropists' like Bill Gates then to give Mother nature a bit of assistance. Such a nice man.


What is your assertion here, Lxxx? That Bill gates is somehow "giving Mother Nature a bit of assistance" to "keep the world's population in balance and falling". Do you by any chance have stuff like this in mind http://coupmedia.org/vaccinations/bill-gates-admits-vaccination-population-control-on-cnn-0703?


Seems like a perversion of the truth to me, if so.

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It's a good job we've got 'philanthropists' like Bill Gates then to give Mother nature a bit of assistance. Such a nice man.


What is your assertion here, Lxxx? That Bill gates is somehow "giving Mother Nature a bit of assistance" to "keep the world's population in balance and falling". Do you by any chance have stuff like this in mind http://coupmedia.org...rol-on-cnn-0703?


Seems like a perversion of the truth to me, if so.


Do some research about the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Whilst I am all in favour of humans living sustainably on earth in such numbers that do not put too much a burden on the planet, there are ways and means in which to approach this subject which are sound both ethically and morally. The underhand way in which they are using vaccines on the poorest is not one of them.

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I suspect that it is really a question of how the human population is going to be (literally) decimated. The present global population is already having to ravage the planet to maintain its' life styles and demographics show that this situation, plus increasing indistrialisation in the developing world, is only going to get worse. So, will it be starvation, war or disease that does the job?

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I suspect that it is really a question of how the human population is going to be (literally) decimated. The present global population is already having to ravage the planet to maintain its' life styles and demographics show that this situation, plus increasing indistrialisation in the developing world, is only going to get worse. So, will it be starvation, war or disease that does the job?


I reckon all three.


First over population will lead to starvation, which will lead to war over the remaining resources, finally the "survivors" of the war are killed off by what ever "super weapon" is last used.

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Evil Goblin you missed out technology from your list.


I realize end of times, Malthusian woe are popular at the moment, and fully agree that current behaviours are unsustainable - but the result will be change not end.



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I suspect that it is really a question of how the human population is going to be (literally) decimated. The present global population is already having to ravage the planet to maintain its' life styles and demographics show that this situation, plus increasing indistrialisation in the developing world, is only going to get worse. So, will it be starvation, war or disease that does the job?


I reckon all three.


First over population will lead to starvation, which will lead to war over the remaining resources, finally the "survivors" of the war are killed off by what ever "super weapon" is last used.


For once on manxforums, I actually agree with MDO.


We are already seeing the scramble for resources happening with the US and China going after Africa and carving it up via proxy, the middle east has always predominantly been about oil and cheap access to it and the Caspian basin is also one of the main reasons the US/NATO are still in Afghanistan and have military bases stationed all round there....I could go as it is happening all over the world, and it will come to a head soon as the economy goes tits up, forcing the issue.

The rest will probably play out like some big budget Hollywood movie, of which the brain dead who watch them will now play their small part in it.

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