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Breivik Trial - I Can't Bear To Look At That Man

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I agree, it would be hard not to. I don't think it matters all that much whether he is found sane and imprisoned or found insane and detained in a hospital. His true punishment will be to see his warped ideas go unheeded.

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I heard the other day that he was demanding he be tried under a military tribunal as opposed to a civil court.


He's got it into his messed up head that he is a soldier fighting against the "Islamification" of Norway, and he is fighting a legitimate threat.


One messed up puppy.

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Watching the lunch time news coverage of the Anders Breivik trial. The man sitting there either looking bored or smirking as they describe the panic of the children he shot dead there. I don't think I can bear it. Can't start to imagine how the parents of those children who died there so horribly can cope.....


Then don't watch. There have been far, far worse atrocities in the UK.

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I heard the other day that he was demanding he be tried under a military tribunal as opposed to a civil court.


He's got it into his messed up head that he is a soldier fighting against the "Islamification" of Norway, and he is fighting a legitimate threat.


One messed up puppy.


Yes, and he's pleading self defence, for god's sake! Those kids looked very frightening on the documentary I saw yesterday, a real threat to a heavily armed "soldier".

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Watching the lunch time news coverage of the Anders Breivik trial. The man sitting there either looking bored or smirking as they describe the panic of the children he shot dead there. I don't think I can bear it. Can't start to imagine how the parents of those children who died there so horribly can cope.....


Then don't watch. There have been far, far worse atrocities in the UK.


Why should that stop anyone taking an interest in this trial?

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Yes. Very strange seeing him smile on TV. And that Nazi salute was in the worst taste possible.


But it's very unusual for someone who does these these not to top himself at the end of the spree. Hopefully the head doctors will be able to get a bit of an insight as to why he did it. Maybe it will help stop the next one.

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One of the saddest things is that he's the only one standing trial. Carl Hagen of Norway's Progress Party and many of his followers ought to be there as well to stand trial for incitement to hatred leading to homicide.




I rather hope that he is confined for life to a secure institution for the mentally unbalanced. Normal imprisonment could make him a martyr to some people of the sort you mention, and infer that his actions are those of a relatively 'normal' person.


Incarceration in a institution for the mentally unbalanced would be a true reflection of the utterly mentally abnormal nature of his crimes - and I understand something he is seeking deperately to avoid....as he sees his actions as 'legitimate'.

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Watching the lunch time news coverage of the Anders Breivik trial. The man sitting there either looking bored or smirking as they describe the panic of the children he shot dead there. I don't think I can bear it. Can't start to imagine how the parents of those children who died there so horribly can cope.....

Then don't watch. There have been far, far worse atrocities in the UK.

Jeez.....your reputation on MF as a real dork is well-earned.

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Watching the lunch time news coverage of the Anders Breivik trial. The man sitting there either looking bored or smirking as they describe the panic of the children he shot dead there. I don't think I can bear it. Can't start to imagine how the parents of those children who died there so horribly can cope.....

Then don't watch. There have been far, far worse atrocities in the UK.

Jeez.....your reputation on MF as a real dork is well-earned.


and again a nice thread has turned into a slanging match, grow up!

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Why should that stop anyone taking an interest in this trial?


Nothing, but watching isn't mandatory. The Guardian's coverage is good.


Possibly, but I was referring to your statement "There have been far, far worse atrocities in the UK" and I still don't have the faintest idea how that is relevant to watching or not.

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Why should that stop anyone taking an interest in this trial?


Nothing, but watching isn't mandatory. The Guardian's coverage is good.


Possibly, but I was referring to your statement "There have been far, far worse atrocities in the UK" and I still don't have the faintest idea how that is relevant to watching or not.


OK, there's often a morbid interest in events like this (see also Dark Tourism), I just saw a few seconds on BB1's 6 o'clock news. I threw in the 'worse atrocities' more as a dangling bait which was picked up by yourself.

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One of the saddest things is that he's the only one standing trial. Carl Hagen of Norway's Progress Party and many of his followers ought to be there as well to stand trial for incitement to hatred leading to homicide.

I rather hope that he is confined for life to a secure institution for the mentally unbalanced. Normal imprisonment could make him a martyr to some people of the sort you mention, and infer that his actions are those of a relatively 'normal' person.

Incarceration in a institution for the mentally unbalanced would be a true reflection of the utterly mentally abnormal nature of his crimes - and I understand something he is seeking deperately to avoid....as he sees his actions as 'legitimate'.

I completely agree.

He MUST be retarded - no one in their right mind could plan, and carry out this madness. To be devoid of any remorse is surely also another indication that he is a psychopath. I know this is being argued but I don't accept that the fact he planned these horrors necessarily precludes him from being delcared insane, as seems to be one argument. The really scary thing is how many other nutters there are who sympathise with his views.

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