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Breivik Trial - I Can't Bear To Look At That Man

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Why should that stop anyone taking an interest in this trial?


Nothing, but watching isn't mandatory. The Guardian's coverage is good.


Possibly, but I was referring to your statement "There have been far, far worse atrocities in the UK" and I still don't have the faintest idea how that is relevant to watching or not.


OK, there's often a morbid interest in events like this (see also Dark Tourism), I just saw a few seconds on BB1's 6 o'clock news. I threw in the 'worse atrocities' more as a dangling bait which was picked up by yourself.


I see (aside - I don't).

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Personally I would like to see him tied between two tractors and slowly pulled apart, but making him a martyr just increases the chance that some other half wit will take up his cause!


Locking him in a padded cell in a straight jacket with no access to anything or anybody for the rest of his life, and on sustenance level nutrition seems the best option.

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Giving the fucking loon airtime is the stupidest decision I have seen in a while. Just put a bullet in him and move on.


I don't think they did, did they? His arrival in Court and comments were broadcast, but the cameras were switched off as soon as he started giving evidence.

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Giving the fucking loon airtime is the stupidest decision I have seen in a while. Just put a bullet in him and move on.


I don't think they did, did they? His arrival in Court and comments were broadcast, but the cameras were switched off as soon as he started giving evidence.


Sorry, I didn't mean to imply directly. The news coverage quite clearly states his views every 20 bloody minutes, it's just entirely unnecessary.

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24/7 news channels give all kinds of people - school shooters, terrorists, serial killers etc. far too much air time. Little wonder these kind of people know they will get 24/7 coverage. All they are effectively doing is recruiting the next one.


24/7 news channels and their desperate quest for content, are killing people, and putting more in the firing line for the future. But hey - it provides 'content'.


24/7 news needs much higher standards, and some common sense press regulation IMO. There is a major difference between free speech and voyeurism.

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HeliX and Mr Tatlock, I take the point. Whatever Breivik's stated motivation, some part of it must have been the desire to receive huge media exposure for his views and (in his eyes) heroic deeds. If these atrocities were reported in a lower key way, then that incentive would be much less potent.

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Nutjobs like this with rifles generally crave attention.

I gather he has stated that his actions do not warrant a jail sentence. Ergo (to borrow a word AT) they should find him mentally insane and confine him for the term of his natural life to a secure mental institution - that might sound well in a broadcast and reinforce where his supporters are positioned in the great chain of being.

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Nutjobs like this with rifles generally crave attention.

I gather he has stated that his actions do not warrant a jail sentence. Ergo (to borrow a word AT) they should find him mentally insane and confine him for the term of his natural life to a secure mental institution - that might sound well in a broadcast and reinforce where his supporters are positioned in the great chain of being.

What happened was a horrendous tragic event that has left many victims in its wake.


My view is that Breivik believed in what 'he was doing' was the right thing to do and as warped as it is to my way of thinking, I doubt if anything can or could be done to change his mind. It appears that he cannot see any width in a piece of paper or in other words, cannot see the picture, because from his point of view, he only wants to see it from one angle. It would therefore follow, that his focus and view, no matter how horrific it is to us, could be horrifically justified by his own personal beliefs or blinkered principles.


I would have preferred that his case was held behind closed doors or that the media could not publically broadcast the case as it is now, thereby reducing the horrors or macabre 'excitement' to others.


Just a terribly sad event and I hope that the victims family, friends and country can somehow support each other in this time of grief.

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