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Proud To Be British?


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Am I proud to have been born, as an accident of birth, on an island called the UK? As opposed to a few thousand miles south or east? What a silly notion.


I've always said that I'm happy to be born here, compared to being born in Ethiopa or Afghanistan for example. Proud? No Happy? Yes


Exactly, I always used to say I was fortunate to be born into a 'civilised' society with a 'democratic' government. However with the world being such a large place but so easy to travel and migrate you can now pick and choose where you want to live based on the indicators many people have highlighted for being proud, if you wish, and be proud and have an affinity for your new home as opposed to where you were born.

I always used to think pride was something that was a lot more prevalent a generation or two ago, when where you born was more often than not where you spent your entire life, so you searched more then for an affinity and a reassurance that you were part of a community, a culture and a heritage to be proud of. Whereas now if you don't like it you can pack a bag and a passport and go wherever takes your fancy.

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I am not proud to be British. But I am lucky that I have a British passport.


However, I do feel proud to be Scottish. I think that small country has contributed more inventions and developments to the modern world than any other, in terms of population size.


It's just evolution isn't it? We learn from our mistakes. Unfortunately, we will keep making mistakes.

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It's all a bit tribal really, everyone wants to belong to the best tribe and tries to find ways to boost their tribes status amongst the others.

I often think that this is the root of problems with other ethnic groups, they are clearly not part of your tribe but you have to accept them as such. This leads to confusion of tribal identity and friction without any good reason..

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