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Steam Packet Warns Of Disruption To Sailings


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Seems the RoPax market is very firm indeed with several Owners wanting to buy at very firm prices and with a lot of older tonnage being retired and heading for the breakers...I see the Steampacket having a hard time bidding against the "Big Boys" assuming they can get a ship the right size for Douglas...Look's like a seller's market..

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I was thinking from the start it would have to be new build like the Ben, if only to avoid ending up with someone else's legacy problems as with Manannan. So it won't be cheap. I suppose the first question when you go for new build is "How many do you want?" and the fewer it is the more expensive.

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Trouble is there was a reluctance to make investments in new tonnage over 15-20 years and a lot "making do" so as ships get towards their 15-20 years or... even 25 if you carry out work and pass survey ....and become "Over Aged" they have to be replaced in a hurry and thus the prices are very firm in a market with few specialist builders. There is also these days the issues of pollution, carbon emission and other forms of environment matters plus economies of scale....Difficult for small firm like the Steampacket to compete.. I am sure any new ships and any newbuilds will go to the big operators having much larger markets and with potential global options in mind.

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I was thinking from the start it would have to be new build like the Ben, if only to avoid ending up with someone else's legacy problems as with Manannan. So it won't be cheap. I suppose the first question when you go for new build is "How many do you want?" and the fewer it is the more expensive.


Not really a matter of "How many?" Although that helps! I am sure there are few yards left able to undertake the building these days anyway as overall shipping is in the dumps and has been so for decades....Many yards have closed. It is more a case of "How do you want it?" ie Size, features, delivery date, etc...And if you want a one off design you pay! Ships these days tend to be prefabricated elsewhere and then assembled a lot of them.


If you need an oddball size for Douglas it will make it more costly hence the Ben as a standard design cut down and which is still not quite right for the job...


Looks like the Steampacket can only at this moment do work on the Ben to keep it going until age 25 subject to survey...Otherwise a yard will simply look at the biggest bidders with the most lucrative demands...Or get a cut down standard design again...Either way it will cost a lot and seemingly take a long time.


It is possible to bid for and buy a keel number ie a ship not yet commenced...Usually the first payment on a newbuild becomes due when a keel is laid but if a series is available then I have seen Owners reserve that number at a price. Trouble is if you enter into a newbuild contract you are committed for the whole thing once the keel is laid and a reserved keel number is much the same. I have seen keel numbers bought and sold a bit like buying all these "off the plan" flats in Douglas.


Of course this is how I recall it a long time ago but from what I can see nothing much has changed..

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I still don't think the profits are out of line. Sure we are the customers so we want it as cheap as possible, but it must be a total ball ache of a business.

Didn't you know that no one is allowed to make a profit here?


How many people are employed by IOM SPC?


Far too much whining about IOMSPC. We should just get on with engaging them on a new agreement and commitment to invest in the fleet.

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can't fault customer service this morning, first a txt, then we called and re-arranged an alternative sailing, then we had a phone call to sort out (after we'd already done it).

just now need to blag a bed or sofa off family for one night :-)


Got a spare basket down here, lots of Dentastix as well :)

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According to their video 200-300 freight containers at a time. That sounds like a lot to me. Could be the way of the future.


If someone is thinking of setting up a company using this then let me know if shares are available - I would buy some.

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According to their video 200-300 freight containers at a time. That sounds like a lot to me. Could be the way of the future.


If someone is thinking of setting up a company using this then let me know if shares are available - I would buy some.

We'd have to demolish Douglas to let it land! thumbsup.gif

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According to their video 200-300 freight containers at a time. That sounds like a lot to me. Could be the way of the future.


If someone is thinking of setting up a company using this then let me know if shares are available - I would buy some.


The article I read said 23 tons. That is about 1 - 2 containers. smile.png

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According to their video 200-300 freight containers at a time. That sounds like a lot to me. Could be the way of the future.


If someone is thinking of setting up a company using this then let me know if shares are available - I would buy some.

We'd have to demolish Douglas to let it land! thumbsup.gif



Lord St site will be fine

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