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Steam Packet Warns Of Disruption To Sailings


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I wasn't there but have in the past been let down by travel disruption. You get on with it. The way some of the people are going on you would think they had been stranded in the gaza strip with no hope of getting home.



Who'd go to Gaza for a holiday...?

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The way some of the people are going on you would think they had been stranded in the gaza strip with no hope of getting home.



Who'd go to Gaza for a holiday...?



I quite fancy going to this place ....




Oh wait, I can't:



The park opened in May 2010 and was burned down by masked men in September 2010, after being closed by the Palestinian Hamas de facto government for allowing men and women to mingle.



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Complete and utter over reaction by Jackie Betteridge. Her interview was in my view atrocious!


I was on the Mannanan on Monday and whilst the technical hitch was a real pain, to be fair, I thought the Captain did a pretty good job of keeping people informed what was going on. Foot passengers without checked in luggage were given the opportunity to disembark well before those with checked in luggage or vehicles. I am not aware that anyone who then travelled up to Heysham didn't get on and there seemed enough room on the car deck. I was informed when getting off the Mannanan that the Heysham boat was being held for us. Having had a wander round the boat I would describe it as pretty busy but not full. Am not a huge supporter of the Steam Packet and whilst I can not comment of the arrangements for foot passengers (I do recall the Captain talking of getting hotels) I can't knock the Captain for the way in which he kept passengers informed about what was going on. We were all offered a free drink and before the foit passengers disembarked they were offered free food.


Difficult situation for all I guess but given the circumstances I thought they probably did as much as they could.


>Complete and utter over reaction by Jackie Betteridge.


She also says that Manannan is unseaworthy (and has been for some time) and yet still continues to travel on her despite these serious reservations.


I can just imagine the frustration of the technicians trying to get the boat fixed when there's passengers upstairs offering their unqualified opinions.



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Yes, you soon learn to live with it, but.....


a) it should only happen very rarely

b) it is happening far too regularly


I, for one, am getting heartily sick of being let down, disrupted, and so on, by a succession of fast craft that either break down or can't go out because of the wind.


Even when you say "there's a boat in the morning" it can't be guaranteed nowadays.

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I was waiting for her battery to run out but must have been on duracell


fancy working with someone who rabbits like that all day laugh.png


if she thinks driving to Heysham is dangerous perhaps she should take the train next time

Bet she will be standing for election next ! clipboard and all smile.png

Is she a manager at Nobles ?

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of course the IOMSPCo wouldn't have a fast craft, but two Ben type boats, if it weren't for the interference of politicians who specified fast craft in the user agreement, so IOMSPCo has to run one even although the Irish Sea conditions make it unusable, even as a reserve, for 6 months a year, and sometimes in summer and which is susceptible to damage to impellers, gearing and other mechanical and thruster equipment from flotsam and jetsam which floats around the Irish Sea.


Ive no objection per se to a user agreement, as long as there is decennial tendering, re tendering on change of beneficial ownership and it specifies minimum service standards and sailing frequencies and controls fares.


But to specify what type of ships and other operational stuff is not on.

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From MR site this morning Alan Bell is looking into the reliability of the SPCO ..........


A small wager outcome will be ........ mechanical breakdowns cannot be legislated for ............... the company needs more money to invest in newer craft ............ we are considering the extension of the current user agreement as a matter of urgency !!


FFS do we have anyone here in charge of the strategic thinking regarding the current and future provision of transport links to the Island ? I mean the SPCO have been ok but are clearly having various problems at the moment and the airport well thats just a shambles with private business having to try and keep the links it requires open. The island should never be in this position considering the amount of money it has thrown at, particularly the airport, but the user agreement is in effect a massive subsidy and guarantee to shareholders !


It seems to me we have reactive Government, who generally react and then do sweet fanny adams apart from some sabre rattling ! Get someone in charge who has a pair and also has a clue !!!

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John Wright is absolutely correct.


If it wasn't for the Governments insistence in the User Agreement that we must have a fast craft, we wouldn't be in this mess now.


The fast craft are notorious for breaking down and not being able to sail if there's a bit of a breeze.


The Government "is assessing the Steam Packet's reliability". They should make a serious review of their part in causing their lack of reliability.

Edited by monasqueen
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John Wright is absolutely correct.


If it wasn't for the Governments insistence in the User Agreement that we must have a fast craft, we wouldn't be in this mess now.


The fast craft are notorious for breaking down and not being able to sail if there's a bit of a breeze.


The Government "is assessing the Steam Packet's reliability". They should make a serious review of their part in causing their lack of reliability.


I like the fast craft and many people I speak to like it and much prefer to a conventional ferry. My wife for one would revert to flying for trips to Liverpool etc if it went back to a conventional ferry and a 4hr crossing. I agree it is a pain when it is running on three engines it is still doing the route as quick or faster than a if replaced as a conventional ferry. As for not sailing if there is a bit of breeze, I seem to remember it sailing very recently when the Ben was unable to because of the weather but then people complained as it was a bit rough.


The main changes I can see if the fast craft were permanently replaced is slower crossing times. Against this you would probably get slightly fewer delays and cancellations due to bad weather in the early and late parts of the season. I doubt you would get more sailings at times the fastcraft currently does not go because their simply are not enough passengers around. Yes it could be a back up to the Ben but as that very rarely breaks down that is not a great benefit.


If the SP is reviewed on the basis of reliability I expect it would be fine, boats rarely do not sail because they break down. Punctuality I expect would be different. I also wonder how the figures would compare to the airlines.

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