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Steam Packet Warns Of Disruption To Sailings


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25 minutes ago, Anthony Ingham said:


This time next year the situation would be exactly the same if it was Manxman or Ben.  It’s just that for not the new boat can’t shelter in the harbour while work is in progress to upgrade its berth.

Presumably the lesser draught of the Ben would have lessened the silting issue or has that changed ? serious question not sarcasm ( this time ) lol.

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The Manannan did go this morning, and the crossing was not too bad at all.  However, once we got to Liverpool it deteriorated significantly.

The boat was only partly disembarked before they had to stop as it was just too dangerous to continue.  It is becoming worse and  We are likely to be kept here for a couple of hours at least now, but the crew have been absolutely fantastic and beyond accommodating

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7 hours ago, Dirty Buggane said:

My argument still stands, if they knew silting was a problem why purchase a deeper draught boat. That is presuming the silting is not something that has occurred just in the last 24 months. Same goes for restricted maneuvering space. I know how to solve that ! Buy a bigger boat.  

Silting is an artificial problem. Peel Ports, whom own Heysham Port, are dragging their feet in dredging. You know, the same people who own the £75 million dock In Liverpool. Nothing to do with the Manxman. Blame the MHK who pissed Peel Ports off. 

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Dredging costs money. Peel do not like to spend money.

As an example, the state of the bridge, and other, infrastructure along the Manchester Ship Canal, which they own, is appalling.

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3 minutes ago, monasqueen said:

Dredging costs money. Peel do not like to spend money.

As an example, the state of the bridge, and other, infrastructure along the Manchester Ship Canal, which they own, is appalling.

Andy Wint should ask John Whittaker onto Mannin line!! Although JW would probably tell him where to go!

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6 minutes ago, Capt_Mainwaring said:

Manannan limping back to IOM - an hour and a half in and only just out of the channel/past the Bar, currently doing around 11kts.

Announced about an hour ago that they were going to cut speed considerably to try and make it a more pleasant crossing.

It has had some effect but its mighty wild out there

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1 hour ago, Cambon said:

Blame the MHK who pissed Peel Ports off. 

If the Steam Packet has a contract with Peel Ports for the use of Heysham (and I have no idea what the situation is), one would have thought that part of the contract would be for Peel Ports to ensure that the parking bay is accessible.

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35 minutes ago, Banker said:

More delays as Manannan not due in until 19.30 now with consequent knock on effect so Liverpool departure now 00.30 probably back in Douglas c3.30 !

Is this not actually a positive though? They've run the service the fastest they can - therefore people can choose to go on the delayed sailing or reschedule (and Packet are normally pretty flexible)


There's not much they can do about the severity of the wind and I'm surprised the fast craft went (perhaps it won't in future similar conditions I imagine there's some knock on with staffing and also some of the complaints around disembarking delays may put them off) 

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2 hours ago, Two-lane said:

If the Steam Packet has a contract with Peel Ports for the use of Heysham (and I have no idea what the situation is), one would have thought that part of the contract would be for Peel Ports to ensure that the parking bay is accessible.

I Think the issue is parking it in high winds

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Makes you wonder if sending an ageing aluminium fast craft out into conditions like that is sensible. According to “Windy” the wave height between Douglas and Liverpool was 3.5 mts in places and if it got worse in the Mersey, I think it should have remained tied to the rock. 

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There certainly seems to be interconnected issues with the service at the moment, some of which perhaps should have been foreseen !

I refer to new boat draught and silting, new boat due to it's size cannot remain in port, Liverpool terminal not open, fastcraft being used in weather that it has not been in the past, status of the Ben unknown.

Hopefully most if not all of these issues are resolvable before the demands on crossings are at the summer peak as the revenue will be vital it seems.

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