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Steam Packet Warns Of Disruption To Sailings


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19 minutes ago, asitis said:

There certainly seems to be interconnected issues with the service at the moment, some of which perhaps should have been foreseen !

I refer to new boat draught and silting, new boat due to it's size cannot remain in port, Liverpool terminal not open, fastcraft being used in weather that it has not been in the past, status of the Ben unknown.

Hopefully most if not all of these issues are resolvable before the demands on crossings are at the summer peak as the revenue will be vital it seems.

Condor have sent both the Commodore clipper and condor islander to the islands today, it been quite bad in the western channel.  Both vessels are Ben sisters. 

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31 minutes ago, asitis said:

There certainly seems to be interconnected issues with the service at the moment, some of which perhaps should have been foreseen !

I refer to new boat draught and silting, new boat due to it's size cannot remain in port, Liverpool terminal not open, fastcraft being used in weather that it has not been in the past, status of the Ben unknown.

Hopefully most if not all of these issues are resolvable before the demands on crossings are at the summer peak as the revenue will be vital it seems.

I think you have mentioned this. Quite a few times. 

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41 minutes ago, Manxman2000 said:

Makes you wonder if sending an ageing aluminium fast craft out into conditions like that is sensible. According to “Windy” the wave height between Douglas and Liverpool was 3.5 mts in places and if it got worse in the Mersey, I think it should have remained tied to the rock. 

Well I think those sort of decisions are best left to those who have the technical expertise and experience to make them.

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Manannan couldn't keep the ramp down at Liverpool finally get off for the nominal 11.15 sailing at 15:25 - arrived after a voyage during which the master reduced speed because at full speed the journey was just too uncomfortable - all the cars were specially tied down


Manxman is becoming obvious as the white elephant, neither of its two target ports can really cope with it, extremely unlikely the boat will be sensibly filled with passengers during 6months of the winter season, full capacity will not be allowed for safety reasons, must be costing significantly more than the Ben did in fuel - one suggestion I heard today was that the South Korean builders wanted to enter the small cruiseship business and Manxman was costed as a demonstrator and the SPCo bosses (ie the non sailing officers) were temped  and overruled objections from experienced staff

Edited by Frances
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36 minutes ago, Frances said:

suggestion I heard today

From a reliable source of course? It's nothing like a cruise ship. It's a modern ferry. That's what they are like (apart from the 2 big fuck off vehicle decks of course)

Who makes this stuff up?

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38 minutes ago, Capt_Mainwaring said:

With how late in from Liverpool it was in the end, with all the untethering of cars and reloading to do, it was never going to make the 2nd return today. 

That's probably true, so why didn't they make a call 4 or 5 hours earlier, so passengers could make other arrangements, re-book or go home, as appropriate? 

I don't use the Steam Packet very often, although I have family members who should have been on the inbound sailing tonight. 


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