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Steam Packet Warns Of Disruption To Sailings


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I am largely ambivalent towards the SPCO but do sometimes wonder if Government live in the real world when it comes to people using a short sea crossing to the island and economies of scale arguments don't really hold up when large profits are ( necessarily) being made. If the island is to be attractive for its future prosperity these type of costs don't I am sure help when people and business look at the overall package.


I sometimes wonder if people like you live in the real world. Peak periods are the same the world over.


The other side of the coin is the very cheap fares that others on here have referred to at off-peak periods.


Yup I do live in the real world where 550 quid is a lot of money and whether or not I am getting value for it is debatable, my rant was aimed at Government strategy whereby attracting people to come here is part of a tourism revival involving caravans etc !. The real world says that people are going to look at those levels of fares and certainly baulk at paying them when so many other destinations are on offer for much less, peak periods or not.

The real world demands that service levels and costs are looked at again before the island signs up to another god knows how many years of the Steam Packet, it may be that the current service provider is the best option and I do understand about peak periods supplements but this sort of cost is not a supplement it is beyond that !!

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Just a rant here whilst having a whisky !


I have just booked a crossing for September 2nd week, has to be then for 2 adults & a car £557.00 , if I had any choice we wouldn't be going but we don't so have to pay. Is there any wonder people find the island unattractive for a short visit and how they hope to attract caravans is beyond me, Government must be firmly convinced money grows on trees !! FFS.


sorry Rant over !!!!!


MGP period by any chance?


I have a son and his significant other flying over (from Stanstead) for TT week ........... said I'd pay .............£513.......lol , and I may have to hire them a car, but doubt one will be available.


Just sayingbiggrin.png

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I have a son and his significant other flying over (from Stanstead) for TT week ........... said I'd pay .............£513.......lol , and I may have to hire them a car, but doubt one will be available.


You'll struggle to find time to see much of them what with all that marshalling you do. You know, on the mountain.

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I have a son and his significant other flying over (from Stanstead) for TT week ........... said I'd pay .............£513.......lol , and I may have to hire them a car, but doubt one will be available.


You'll struggle to find time to see much of them what with all that marshalling you do. You know, on the mountain.


Thanks for your concern, I see quite a lot of all my family ,many visits from them here (and vice versa) . They are aware of my commitments during TT/MGP .


Given that you are such a supporter of road racing will we be seeing you joining the "orange army" this year ? biggrin.png

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Just a rant here whilst having a whisky !


I have just booked a crossing for September 2nd week, has to be then for 2 adults & a car £557.00 , if I had any choice we wouldn't be going but we don't so have to pay. Is there any wonder people find the island unattractive for a short visit and how they hope to attract caravans is beyond me, Government must be firmly convinced money grows on trees !! FFS.


sorry Rant over !!!!!


Would that be in the middle of the Manx Grand Prix race week or, to put it another way, the second busiest period of the year for the ferries? Isn't it well understood that in any form of travel as availability reduces price increases?

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Just a rant here whilst having a whisky !


I have just booked a crossing for September 2nd week, has to be then for 2 adults & a car £557.00 , if I had any choice we wouldn't be going but we don't so have to pay. Is there any wonder people find the island unattractive for a short visit and how they hope to attract caravans is beyond me, Government must be firmly convinced money grows on trees !! FFS.


sorry Rant over !!!!!


Would that be in the middle of the Manx Grand Prix race week or, to put it another way, the second busiest period of the year for the ferries? Isn't it well understood that in any form of travel as availability reduces price increases?


I understand all that very well, but profiteering is profiteering whatever the circumstances and very easy too when monopolistic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We should extend the user agreement and then the SPC will invest in some smart new craft.


We don't want craft.


We want proper ships.


Solid ones, that have go faster engines, don't suck up debris/detritus/fishing gear, and don't mind a bit of wind.

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