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Steam Packet Warns Of Disruption To Sailings


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Try arriving a the check in desk at any airport and you would be turned away, whether you like it or not the passengers are responsible to ensure that they arrive in good time.



It's a boat parked right next to the terminal - hardly similar, there were passengers booked on the boat who hand't arrived, why go early?



I thought that, for a few years now, a new security rule meant that all passengers had to be on board 15 mins. before departure.

If the boat was leaving a bit early for any reason ( and there could be many), board gate or whatever would close early too.

SPCo do not have any say in it.

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  • 2 weeks later...


**Sailing updated issued at 18:15hrs**

Good Evening from the Douglas Terminal

The Ben my Chree has experienced a technical issue which engineers are currently assessing and hoping to resolve as soon as possible. There may be some delay to the 19:45hrs departure to Heysham. A further update will be issued by 19:30hrs.

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Explains the tug assistance then.

Just back from a service ..

Sounds about right for the crap the racket are now reduced to operating.



they're operating crap because they put all the profits into foreign pension funds, its a disgrace.

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Though these figures might suggest otherwise...?


ETA. Figures are contained in the article's attached comments.

Edited by Non-Believer
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They don't make that much profit. Plus why would they invest serious money in their boats or a new boat when the user agreement has such a short time to run?



Only about £7,000,000 per year, so not too much.

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They don't make that much profit. Plus why would they invest serious money in their boats or a new boat when the user agreement has such a short time to run?



Only about £7,000,000 per year, so not too much.


All going to the portuguese banksters,disgusting.

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They don't make that much profit. Plus why would they invest serious money in their boats or a new boat when the user agreement has such a short time to run?


Only about £7,000,000 per year, so not too much.


All going to the portuguese banksters,disgusting.



Paying off debts. Pure greed.

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They don't make that much profit. Plus why would they invest serious money in their boats or a new boat when the user agreement has such a short time to run?


at the end of the day they signed up to their current contract. therefore they should have the boats serviceable or be in a position to get replacements up to the end of the contract, not years earlier and come running to government and cry they can't afford new boats unless they get a new contract early?? reason being they pay into foreign pensions with the profits. give them a new contract early and how many years short of the new contracts expiration date will they be back crying again? I heard from a reliable source the racket make around 15 - 16% profit in a service/business that usually does well to get 5% profit. sure they don't have the huge turnover of P&O but as already said the profits don't get put back into the company. for any other contractor that can't fulfil their contract in the real world they get fucked off and the whole process goes out to tender. if a company was in place that didn't have so much debt round its neck reliable boats and a decent service could be provided.

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I would not renew the user agreement due to the debt problems.

I would put a contract out to tender for 5 years to supply a twice daily service with extra sailings in the summer s etc for a fixed fee performance etc would be written in. Lots of these in the shipping world nice and simple.


I would then market the seats on the sailings through a separate company, agent etc this would allow the total flexibility in the fare structure and we could offer very cheap sailings to encourage visitors to come in off peak times etc and allow the locals to have better rates at the weekend and half term etc. As there would be no huge capital debt involved it would be cheaper than allowing the steam packet to renew the user agreement.

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I would not renew the user agreement due to the debt problems.

I would put a contract out to tender for 5 years to supply a twice daily service with extra sailings in the summer s etc for a fixed fee performance etc would be written in. Lots of these in the shipping world nice and simple.


I would then market the seats on the sailings through a separate company, agent etc this would allow the total flexibility in the fare structure and we could offer very cheap sailings to encourage visitors to come in off peak times etc and allow the locals to have better rates at the weekend and half term etc. As there would be no huge capital debt involved it would be cheaper than allowing the steam packet to renew the user agreement.


Nice in theory, sadly there aren't many companies with spare boats small enough to fit into Douglas harbour.

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They don't make that much profit. Plus why would they invest serious money in their boats or a new boat when the user agreement has such a short time to run?


Only about £7,000,000 per year, so not too much.

Link to that info?

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Though these figures might suggest otherwise...?


ETA. Figures are contained in the article's attached comments.



As posted, quoted figures are posted here...?

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