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A Point Of View: Do Human Rights Really Exist?


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Will talks around the matter without explicitly drawing for his readers the obvious conclusion - human rights do not actually exist as facts independent of human societies. The only rights anyone has are those granted by the society in which they live. In some cases there is democratic input into such decisions-in all too many cases around the world actual human rights, as opposed to those which receive nothing but lip service, are those which it suits the ruling clique to allow them. So, human rights exist to the extent that societies grant them - otherwise they don't exist.

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Isn't the article simply saying that the United Nations is a useless organisation for promoting human rights throughout the world?


Given that the Security Council features histories most extreme human rights abusers (Soviet Union and Communist China) to hold a power of veto, it is hardly surprising that it isn't an active promoter of human rights.

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Isn't the article simply saying that the United Nations is a useless organisation for promoting human rights throughout the world?


Given that the Security Council features histories most extreme human rights abusers (Soviet Union and Communist China) to hold a power of veto, it is hardly surprising that it isn't an active promoter of human rights.

Yeah, this is what MrSelfish is putting across. Worse still, next year is Pakistans turn to oversee the UNSC. Selfish makes mention of the Koran and its scriptural anomalies where human rights are concerned. If anyone took the time to read what's contained in this book and the a-hadiths; the literal interpretations of which inspire horrendous acts in the name of islam, the conclusion would soon be reached that no, human rights do not exist anywhere except in the minds of jumped-up idealists who dream up this kind of thing. One only has to look at the plight of women and other minority groups in Pakistan and MOST other islamic countries to realise that putting a fox in charge of the hen-house isn't the best of ideas.

Human rights is an illusion.

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