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Guild At The Villa


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I'll be there all day tomorrow - piano day. Me and my eldest playing, and hoping to defend some of our titles from last year! The main thing however, as Nigel Tufnell said in Spinal Tap, is to 'do a good show' - which I hope we will.

The brass was superb, but lots of withdrawals. I'm sure more than normal. Pretty fustrating to pay £6 for myself and the wife for each session only to find most of the field isn't playing. That's 18 quid a day to sit round waiting for the next class.


The bands were spot on though, very impressive stuff.

Many withdrawals, and no-shows (which are worse), in the piano classes too. A good day all in all for the Wright family though.

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I was very impressed by the 99 year old guy featured this morning on Manx Radio at 0800 hrs .

Entered in the Folk Song class and MR played a couple of lines and included his rather witty comment that he should not have entered that damned Parrish Walk ( I presume that he staggered or stumbled onto the stage.

The MR fella said that the old boy had been in the Guild in something like 1944. What a triumph !!!

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I was very impressed by the 99 year old guy featured this morning on Manx Radio at 0800 hrs .

Entered in the Folk Song class and MR played a couple of lines and included his rather witty comment that he should not have entered that damned Parrish Walk ( I presume that he staggered or stumbled onto the stage.

The MR fella said that the old boy had been in the Guild in something like 1944. What a triumph !!!

I believe he's the grandfather (or is it great-grandfather?) of one of our forum regulars. It'll be pretty special when he's there next year!

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You can become a supporter of the guild for (iirc) £45 which includes, free show passes, a buffet and something else - I was in the middle of getting a support thing for an elderly relative when it came to my attention that I do not have a cheque book & they do not do electronic transfer stuff.



ETA : That 99 year old, won the TE Brown class tonight, he's quite good, and has a CD available in all good stores (The Lexicon)

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You can become a supporter of the guild for (iirc) £45 which includes, free show passes, a buffet and something else - I was in the middle of getting a support thing for an elderly relative when it came to my attention that I do not have a cheque book & they do not do electronic transfer stuff.



ETA : That 99 year old, won the TE Brown class tonight, he's quite good, and has a CD available in all good stores (The Lexicon)

Did not go to the Guild (should have) so Googled him to see more of what he was about. Truely amazing. Found a video on "Vimeo" that was recorded in Peel, I think in Feb. this year.. 9 minutes of pure pleasure. How a man of 99 years can remember and recite that material is just amazing. I am 40 odd years younger than him and sometimes can't remember what I had for tea the previous day.

What a star and character, it makes you feel proud to be "Manks". I think I will have to buy that CD now, I loved that short video so much.


PS, it's easy to see now why the "relative" on MF is such a character too. smile.png

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I went to see my granddaughter perform and she was, of course, the most outstandingly brilliant competitor I've seen at the guild since I went to see two of my daughters and one my sons in it!

Not that I'm biased in any way, I hasten to add.

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Oh go on then, I'll post the Vimeo link, saves people searching for 'Kermode' in Vimeo - the results of which are enough to put a person off their pizza :) When I posted that vimeo link on my Facebook within a couple of hours it had been watched and enjoyed (judging by their comments) by loads of my 'friends', I screen shotted it and took it round to show him, I thought he would be amazed to see that he has fans in Brazil, Australia, America, Sweden, Luxembourg & the UK, not at all, he took it all in his stride. Yeah, he's well ace :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone read much T E Brown? It's flippen beautiful, I had issues with the introduction to the book but managed it in the end, tough going when yer not learned likes. Anyway, his poems, the first ones in the green book are so beautiful. I don't know if I'm into poetry although, yer man Lockett did some at Mannifest and it was quite something else, hmmm. The dialects are timeless, Tommy Big Eyes has you laughing and crying and even though its ages old the people haven't changed just the surroundings - quite mad. If you haven't read any, give it a try - well good like!

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I'm munching through his collected poems, they're hard work but worth it smile.png It's quite peculiar to find myself thinking in poetic verse, I rather like it.


Dolan is so cute, he's another one I could pick up and put in my pocket (if I was a giant like)

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