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Fukishima Now A Threat To The Whole Planet....


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I don't know....whenever stories like this emerge on sites like the above (read: not exactly trustworthy or neutral looking "news" sites that proclaim the end of the world or any similar big event, always backed by "experts" of various distinctions) I tend to err on the side of caution. Seems the comments in one of the links from it shows other sides to the story:




While the Japanese have no doubt covered up good on that one in the beginning, I'm pretty sure more than one satellite spycam and a whole army of geiger counters are now pointed in that direction to see what they're up to again and how the thing is holding up. Nevermind the yanks getting all "end of the world" again - there's some pretty powerful neighbours next to Japan who wouldn't like any further nuclear mishaps too much - South Korea, Taiwan, and of course the big one called China. So before some dubious news site in Americaland picks it up, any of those would be all over it and they don't seem to have been yet.


Governments would never collude with each other to keep information that has potential global ramifications from going mainstream. Would they?


But then again stuff has never been made up on the internet before...




So it's fine for you to question sources, but if anybody else does it it's not?


God you're tedious. Is your life so boring that you have to find crackpot news sites to give you a little thrill of excitement?


EDIT: just read the most recent ~10 or so articles on that "news" site. What an absolute joke.


It obviously is yes.

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So it's fine for you to question sources, but if anybody else does it it's not?


God you're tedious. Is your life so boring that you have to find crackpot news sites to give you a little thrill of excitement?


EDIT: just read the most recent ~10 or so articles on that "news" site. What an absolute joke.


It obviously is yes.


Oh good, I like jokes.

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(NaturalNews) A Freedom of Information Act(FOIA) request filed by Friends of the Earth (FoE), Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR), and the Nuclear Information and Resource Center (NIRS) has unearthed a shocking series of new evidence proving a deliberate, global cover-up of the true severity of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster.




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Ah yes. The owner of which eschews any kind of modern medicine (vaccination against the likes of smallpox is a waste of time) and who thinks so-called "religions" like Scientology are treated unfairly.


A total fruitcake - the perfect source of "facts" for conspiracy theory nutters like Lxxx.

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Ah yes. The owner of which eschews any kind of modern medicine (vaccination against the likes of smallpox is a waste of time) and who thinks so-called "religions" like Scientology are treated unfairly.


A total fruitcake - the perfect source of "facts" for conspiracy theory nutters like Lxxx.


Haha......you don't give up do you. I do actually feel sorry for your family, when they get the chance to visit you once a week.

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Ah yes. The owner of which eschews any kind of modern medicine (vaccination against the likes of smallpox is a waste of time) and who thinks so-called "religions" like Scientology are treated unfairly.


A total fruitcake - the perfect source of "facts" for conspiracy theory nutters like Lxxx.


Haha......you don't give up do you. I do actually feel sorry for your family, when they get the chance to visit you once a week.


Doesn't give up what? Not believing utter bullshit articles written by someone who openly supports moronic viewpoints?


Seems like a reasonable thing to not give up.

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This is just the tip of the iceberg! There's a far greater threat right around the corner, in the form of CMEs! Coronal mass ejections occur in the dozens every year and throw over a billion hydrogen bombs worth of energy our way crying.gif


If one of the large CMEs were to strike us directly the resulting geomagnetic storms could knock out all of our infrastructure, costing millions (if not BILLIONS) of lives and throwing us back to the stone age.


This has been completely ignored by the mainstream media and, more worringly, by the president himself! (Although, I'm belgian so it's probably the king in my case? huh.png).


We should lobby for something to be done about this. Maybe we could spend most of our resources building a massive ship to send it to the sun and blow up a ton of nukes at the core, which should rejuvinate the sun and save us all. I saw it in a docu where they were trying it, except they ran into some troubles with some sunburnt guy who was being a real bastard but we can just avoid sending russians (I think he was russian?) on that particular mission, otherwise russians are pretty cool.


Anyway, this reactor thing is just silly compared to the dangers of our greatest nemesis, the sun, and nobody cares sweat.gif

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In all these sorts of things there is a risk of people using the information for their own agenda, both pro and con.





I don't know anything about the guy who produced this video - he is contemptuous of Robert Alvarez and the other people behind the worst case scenarios for Reactor 4. I am pretty sure his scenarios are on the optimistic side while Alvarez et al the pessimistic and definitely disaster planning has to consider worst cases so it is important issues like those raised by Alvarez are dealt with.


It looks like things are being dealt with slowly and touchwood things are being brought towards stability. The testamony from US officials directly liasing with Japan is far less inflamatory than what Alvarez seems to be saying.

is video of a Japanese Minister having a tour of Unit 4 (source), work is ongoing there.


The mainstream media is convering this issue - The Guardian.




Oh and Rami - Solar Flares are important and there are lots of specialists producing contingency plans for their effects! LINK

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There is no cover up.


Japan is not the most liked country in Asia. If a single blip of an unusual radioactive particle was detected anywhere in Asia, the country who found it would be on their soapbox denouncing Japan.

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Thanks for the links Chinahand.


Here's some links I've come across in the past few months. I'd like to know what you all think. Perhaps with a bit less bickering though :)


Arnie Gundersen - The Truth and The Future


Noda - 'Refrain from saying things that may weaken TEPCO'



Alternet - Why Nuclear Experts Are Calling Fukushima A Ticking Time Bomb


Arnie Gundersen seems quite sensible and worth listening to from my small amount of research I've done so far. I've also found Greg Palast a great source of information over the years. A proper investigative journalist.

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There is no cover up.


Japan is not the most liked country in Asia. If a single blip of an unusual radioactive particle was detected anywhere in Asia, the country who found it would be on their soapbox denouncing Japan.


I think you'll find this is coming from the US, who have no particular axe to grind with Japan and actually have a rather a large vested interest in the topic, seeing as they are downstream of any radiation leakage.

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Thanks for the links Chinahand.


Here's some links I've come across in the past few months. I'd like to know what you all think. Perhaps with a bit less bickering though smile.png


Arnie Gundersen - The Truth and The Future


Noda - 'Refrain from saying things that may weaken TEPCO'



Alternet - Why Nuclear Experts Are Calling Fukushima A Ticking Time Bomb


Arnie Gundersen seems quite sensible and worth listening to from my small amount of research I've done so far. I've also found Greg Palast a great source of information over the years. A proper investigative journalist.


I admit I only read the first page of the last link.


The internet addresses of the other links was enough to put me off.


Why does everything have to be a cover up?

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There is no cover up.


Japan is not the most liked country in Asia. If a single blip of an unusual radioactive particle was detected anywhere in Asia, the country who found it would be on their soapbox denouncing Japan.


I think you'll find this is coming from the US, who have no particular axe to grind with Japan and actually have a rather a large vested interest in the topic, seeing as they are downstream of any radiation leakage.


Yup. But surely if there was a conspiracy, it would be the USA who would be trying to cover it up. Given their financial relationship with Japan.

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