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Fukishima Now A Threat To The Whole Planet....


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If you think you have a right to be worried about your health living on the IoM, imagine the absolute despair for those families living 20-50km from the power plant who have no where to go and a house that is worth nothing. The Government has asked people living 20-30km to 'voluntary evacuate' which i assume means no help.


Where did you read this Merkin?


If it's true, I suspect there will be an army of lawyers lining up with loaded ipads and briefcases.

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If you think you have a right to be worried about your health living on the IoM, imagine the absolute despair for those families living 20-50km from the power plant who have no where to go and a house that is worth nothing. The Government has asked people living 20-30km to 'voluntary evacuate' which i assume means no help.


Where did you read this Merkin?


If it's true, I suspect there will be an army of lawyers lining up with loaded ipads and briefcases.


World Health Organisation http://www.who.int/hac/crises/jpn/faqs/en/index.html


Not sure what lawyers would be able to do though. Insurance wouldn't pay out for potential risk to health or where there hasn't been any loss (no damage to building etc) and once you get outside 20km, men in white coats have said there is little or no damage to health and the Government is off the hook for the relocation of residents. Same sort of thing stands in the UK with CPO for motorway development etc. For example, if your country house ends up overlooking a major motorway junction but is not needed in the construction, CPO laws dictate that you are owed nothing.

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If you think you have a right to be worried about your health living on the IoM, imagine the absolute despair for those families living 20-50km from the power plant who have no where to go and a house that is worth nothing. The Government has asked people living 20-30km to 'voluntary evacuate' which i assume means no help.


Where did you read this Merkin?


If it's true, I suspect there will be an army of lawyers lining up with loaded ipads and briefcases.


World Health Organisation http://www.who.int/h...s/en/index.html


Not sure what lawyers would be able to do though. Insurance wouldn't pay out for potential risk to health or where there hasn't been any loss (no damage to building etc) and once you get outside 20km, men in white coats have said there is little or no damage to health and the Government is off the hook for the relocation of residents. Same sort of thing stands in the UK with CPO for motorway development etc. For example, if your country house ends up overlooking a major motorway junction but is not needed in the construction, CPO laws dictate that you are owed nothing.


What page do I need to read Merkin?

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If you think you have a right to be worried about your health living on the IoM, imagine the absolute despair for those families living 20-50km from the power plant who have no where to go and a house that is worth nothing. The Government has asked people living 20-30km to 'voluntary evacuate' which i assume means no help.


Where did you read this Merkin?


If it's true, I suspect there will be an army of lawyers lining up with loaded ipads and briefcases.


World Health Organisation http://www.who.int/h...s/en/index.html


Not sure what lawyers would be able to do though. Insurance wouldn't pay out for potential risk to health or where there hasn't been any loss (no damage to building etc) and once you get outside 20km, men in white coats have said there is little or no damage to health and the Government is off the hook for the relocation of residents. Same sort of thing stands in the UK with CPO for motorway development etc. For example, if your country house ends up overlooking a major motorway junction but is not needed in the construction, CPO laws dictate that you are owed nothing.


What page do I need to read Merkin?


That page, second bullet point

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My understanding is that the only evacuation zone still in force is the 12 Km one. The other areas have been opened. link

This map from Fukushima Updated gives radiation levels sampled back in February.





20 mS a year is the average yearly allowance a nuclear worker can recieve over a 5 year period - many areas around the world have this level naturally.


Also a certain proportion of that radioactivity will be from shorter half life isotopes so you won't get those figures over an entire year as the isotopes break down into stable forms.


I'm not underplaying the issues - a huge area has been seriously contaminated and it'll take a long time to clear it up.


... But this isn't the end of the world.

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A good article on the current situation which outlines the health aspects of what we can do to combat the increased radiation, depending on whereabouts in the world we are.

"I am a prolific writer, poet, medical researcher, doctor, psychologist, musician, devoted husband and family man with a dragon heart that reaches out routinely each week to the world with my publications. Born in New York in 1952 I have been living happily in Brazil since 91. Some people feel I am inspired by God, even in my medical work, and I do have a good relationship with the source of life. I am devoted to the Divine Mother but my true religion is centered on vulnerability, love and the capacity to listen with all ones heart and soul."


I don't think I fancy listening to much of what he has to say.

Especially when other recent articles include:

Mankind’s Most Desperate Hour

Fukushima on Steroids

Hanging by a Thread

Radioactive Hell on Earth

Atomic Suicide

Violent Humanity

Increasing Threats to Our Nuclear Power Stations

Officially Declared Nuclear Nightmare


Typical fearmongering bullshit the lot of it.


EDIT: and as for the one you linked, well... here's some choice quotes from the great man:

"This media silence is a devastating one—so much so that if described properly it would curdle one’s soul. It is so disgusting that the only image that compares is the Nazi gas chamber, but this one is big enough for 40 million people."

"Thereafter they continued publishing but with a secret file name Zardoz,[2] which is the name of a movie where Sean Connery played a mutant on a nuclear-contaminated world in the far future. He was employed by an elite class of people who lived in a protected dome to go out and kill other mutants who lived in the exposed environment. Is this the future coming to us today? One has to assume that this is exactly what they are previewing and why they chose that file name."

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I agree, vitally important.


If it's all the same to you Lxxx as far as Fukishima is concerned I think I'll stick to the information put out by accredited physicists and not the likes of "Dr" (hah!) Mark Sircus who isn't a doctor at all but an acupuncturist.


An acupuncturist mouthing off about nuclear physics and Lxxx believes them - says it all about both of them really....

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I agree, vitally important.


If it's all the same to you Lxxx as far as Fukishima is concerned I think I'll stick to the information put out by accredited physicists and not the likes of "Dr" (hah!) Mark Sircus who isn't a doctor at all but an acupuncturist.


An acupuncturist mouthing off about nuclear physics and Lxxx believes them - says it all about both of them really....


He's giving his opinion after quoting the opinions of nuclear physicists and other nuclear experts on the matter. But then again I wouldn't expect someone of your intellect to grasp that fact.... why let the facts get in the way of a smart assed comment .

The fact that he is a well respected expert on alternative medicine, and radiation poisoning, I suppose doesn't register on your very blinkered view of the world either, therefore, on balance, your opinion doesn't concern me in the least so crack on with the jokes and keep us all amused.

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