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Try telling that to the thousands of mothers who see their children develop autism, sometimes within minutes of having their chemical cocktails. There's always two sides to every story, and both sides will bring forth evidence and experience, however we should all be allowed to have the choice over whether we want to play russian roullette with our children's mental health or not.



Except there won't be one. Because it's never happened.

Here is an extensive report on the matter for you:



For every 'study' (usually university-derived and therefore pharmaceutial industry funded) you will find another study proving otherwise. The point I am trying to make is that both sides have arguments, one side driven by money the other driven by regard to health, either way we should all have the choice over whether we want to inject our offspring with mercury, aluminium, aborted foetal tissue and other nasties that overwhelm a developing immune system.


Try reading about Dr Andrew Wakefield and the shameful lying and persecution he has suffered at the hands of our supposed most established and respected medical journal, the BMJ.




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By the way, can you provide a list to your counter studies. Just provide the study names and the authors and I'll be happy to reference them across.


If you're going to insist there is a global conspiracy to suppress all 'right' studies though, you can consider this discussion over and I'll be happy to let the trolls mock you for your shenanigans.


Goodbye then Doc. Haven't you got some more Ritalin to prescribe to meet your targets?


Oh well if you're going to divert back to be on topic. I would agree ritalin prescriptions are ridiculously inflated. I'm sure ADHD is a true and present illness in some children but unfortunately it has been highly overprescribed in the past. Have there been cases of doctors being under pressure to prescribe by pharmaceuticals? I'm sure there was. Does that mean the entire thing is a conspiracy and we should reject a large swathe of respected modern medicine? Probably not.


Just like when my neighbour doesn't throw my kids tennis ball back into our yard, I don't go off and assume he is the devil incarnate and must be cleansed by holy molotov fire. It's called extremism, you seem to be exhibiting a lot of extremism fueled by psuedo-scientific backwater internet articles. You're not objective, you're not applying any logic other than what you've read. You're either a masterful troll, or really dense.

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I am at work and don't have time to trawl through the internet finding studies to link.

I imagine finding studies that support fallacies is quite time consuming.


Your point about mercury not being harmful to a small child is so bizarre it is laughable.

Do you have any evidence to the contrary? Or is it just because mercury is a big scary chemical that it should obviously be harmful?


As for aluminium I use deoderant but not anti-perspirant as it is that which contains the aluminium, and all the women in my family do not use this after the recent studies that linked high aluminium content in the breast tissue of women with breast cancer.

The national cancer institute says there's no evidence of the aluminium in anti-perspirants causing breast cancer.

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By the way, can you provide a list to your counter studies. Just provide the study names and the authors and I'll be happy to reference them across.


If you're going to insist there is a global conspiracy to suppress all 'right' studies though, you can consider this discussion over and I'll be happy to let the trolls mock you for your shenanigans.


Goodbye then Doc. Haven't you got some more Ritalin to prescribe to meet your targets?


Oh well if you're going to divert back to be on topic. I would agree ritalin prescriptions are ridiculously inflated. I'm sure ADHD is a true and present illness in some children but unfortunately it has been highly overprescribed in the past. Have there been cases of doctors being under pressure to prescribe by pharmaceuticals? I'm sure there was. Does that mean the entire thing is a conspiracy and we should reject a large swathe of respected modern medicine? Probably not.


Just like when my neighbour doesn't throw my kids tennis ball back into our yard, I don't go off and assume he is the devil incarnate and must be cleansed by holy molotov fire. It's called extremism, you seem to be exhibiting a lot of extremism fueled by psuedo-scientific backwater internet articles. You're not objective, you're not applying any logic other than what you've read. You're either a masterful troll, or really dense.


I think you'll find my earlier comment was that I think we should take the best of modern medicine and the quite clearly proven benefits of alternative medicine and marry the two together to get a very efficient, holistic health strategy to move us forwards. However profits rule so that will never happen.

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Missing the point as usual. Trying to address and attack the vessel rather than the content, as usual. Unable to provide reliable sources for your own assertions, as usual.

Honestly talking to you is like trying to play chess with a pigeon. You could be the best chess player in the world, but the pigeon is just going to flap around knocking all the pieces over, shit all over the board, and strut around like it won.


I have to say that is possibly one of the most insulting ways of not stepping up to a debate.


Are you referring to me?




Then your definition of debate is somewhat wonky. There was no debate to "step up to" in the post I was responding to. And if you read carefully, I already address what the problems in Lxxx's response are in the start of the post.

Edited by HeliX
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Your point about mercury not being harmful to a small child is so bizarre it is laughable.

I bit a thermometer and swallowed the mercury when I was a kid.


I have not noticed any adverse effects, other than on hot days like this I'm a foot taller and my head goes all silver.

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I am at work and don't have time to trawl through the internet finding studies to link.

I imagine finding studies that support fallacies is quite time consuming.


Your point about mercury not being harmful to a small child is so bizarre it is laughable.

Do you have any evidence to the contrary? Or is it just because mercury is a big scary chemical that it should obviously be harmful?


As for aluminium I use deoderant but not anti-perspirant as it is that which contains the aluminium, and all the women in my family do not use this after the recent studies that linked high aluminium content in the breast tissue of women with breast cancer.

The national cancer institute says there's no evidence of the aluminium in anti-perspirants causing breast cancer.


If you are going to be quoting the National Cancer Institute then I think we should end this discussion right now. If ever there was an organisation with a vested interest in maintaining what is now one of the worlds biggest money spinning industries it's that one. I'll bow out of any cancer debate gracefully before we start.

Edited by Lxxx
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If you are going to be quoting the National Cancer Institute then I think we should end this discussion right now. If ever there was an organisation with a vested interest in maintaining what is now one of the worlds biggest money spinning industries it's that one. I'll bow out of any cancer debate gracefully before we start.


And thus we run into the brick wall where you can declare "It's all a conspiracy" and run away. I knew we'd get there at some point.

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I get it, you're afraid of voicing this nonsense in your social circles because, like us, they would ridicule you till infinity for being so bloody dense. So instead you come here, under the guise of anonimity to spout the toilet paper articles you must have a subscription to. You're not an intelligent person, I doubt you have a job of any high station if you're employed. If there is to be hope, you're still a teenager who is just being completely misguided as most teenagers are. Otherwise, I pray your kids turn out different because you are a fine example of the side effects that come with a society capable of sustaining even it's most deficient members (yes that would be you).


But I understand, this is an escape for you, escape from the mediocrity that is your mind and the failings that have come with it. Like Chris said, stop being so bloody bad, it's a disgrace to our entire race that people like you can have the freedom to type crap on the internet whilst countless others die in poverty and famine. Holy fucking christ.

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If you are going to be quoting the National Cancer Institute then I think we should end this discussion right now. If ever there was an organisation with a vested interest in maintaining what is now one of the worlds biggest money spinning industries it's that one. I'll bow out of any cancer debate gracefully before we start.


And thus we run into the brick wall where you can declare "It's all a conspiracy" and run away. I knew we'd get there at some point.


I'd just rather not talk about cancer. Lost too many family members to the slash, poison or burn brigade and it's a bit raw thanks

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I get it, you're afraid of voicing this nonsense in your social circles because, like us, they would ridicule you till infinity for being so bloody dense. So instead you come here, under the guise of anonimity to spout the toilet paper articles you must have a subscription to. You're not an intelligent person, I doubt you have a job of any high station if you're employed. If there is to be hope, you're still a teenager who is just being completely misguided as most teenagers are. Otherwise, I pray your kids turn out different because you are a fine example of the side effects that come with a society capable of sustaining even it's most deficient members (yes that would be you).


But I understand, this is an escape for you, escape from the mediocrity that is your mind and the failings that have come with it. Like Chris said, stop being so bloody bad, it's a disgrace to our entire race that people like you can have the freedom to type crap on the internet whilst countless others die in poverty and famine. Holy fucking christ.


Bloody hell Doc that's a bit irate isn't it. Why are you getting so defensive? What is it about combining modern medicine and alternative medicine that you took offence to?

Edited by Lxxx
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