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Can The Bbc Stoop Any Lower...?


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biggest mistake was reporting building 7 demolition 25 mins before the event


That was just another mistake obviously....


And why not?


Have a quick think about what you've just said, and the subject it was about, and then see if you feel a wee bit stupid.

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Have a quick think about what you've just said, and the subject it was about, and then see if you feel a wee bit stupid.


Do you know the meaning of the word "irony" by chance? Because I suspect you don't.

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Reading some of these posts on here you might be led to believe that the BBC was the only news source available and that we were being manipulated by some pravda like propaganda.rolleyes.gif

Gosh that Italian family at the next table sure is quiet.
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Because then the conspiracy theory nutters wouldn't have anything to fester away in their tiny little minds, that's why not....


Really? And what would you say to somebody who happened to remember that little incident... Oh and the other 'mistake' you know the one.. Celebrating Palastinians.


Journalistic integrity has well and truly departed this country... I mean since when did we base fact on unconfirmed rumours and unverifiable body counts.


Massacre... All very convenient and it was almost as if the outrage machine was primed and ready to roll




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Really? And what would you say to somebody who happened to remember that little incident... Oh and the other 'mistake' you know the one.. Celebrating Palastinians.


Journalistic integrity has well and truly departed this country... I mean since when did we base fact on unconfirmed rumours and unverifiable body counts.


Massacre... All very convenient and it was almost as if the outrage machine was primed and ready to roll


Spout your nonsense all you like the BBC remains the most trusted broadcaster on the planet bar none.


As I posted previously, which you blithely chose to ignore as it didn't suit your childish agenda, the BBC is run by people and people make mistakes - always have, always will. When you have enough experience of the real world you'll understand that for the truism that it is.

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Really? And what would you say to somebody who happened to remember that little incident... Oh and the other 'mistake' you know the one.. Celebrating Palastinians.


Journalistic integrity has well and truly departed this country... I mean since when did we base fact on unconfirmed rumours and unverifiable body counts.


Massacre... All very convenient and it was almost as if the outrage machine was primed and ready to roll


Spout your nonsense all you like the BBC remains the most trusted broadcaster on the planet bar none.


As I posted previously, which you blithely chose to ignore as it didn't suit your childish agenda, the BBC is run by people and people make mistakes - always have, always will. When you have enough experience of the real world you'll understand that for the truism that it is.


Convenient how the mistakes always seem to be the same ones, following the same government agenda. The BBC, like most of the mainstream media, is now just a propaganda outlet for government/corporate policy. Independant journalism died a long time ago in this area, you have to go 'alternative' to find true investigative journalism these days.

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Convenient how the mistakes always seem to be the same ones, following the same government agenda. The BBC, like most of the mainstream media, is now just a propaganda outlet for government/corporate policy. Independant journalism died a long time ago in this area, you have to go 'alternative' to find true investigative journalism these days.


It is strange how if the BBC is a Government Propoganda machine that Cameron has cut back big time the BBC's funding and frequently attacts them. He would much prefer his mates the Murdochs to be the purveyor of news, preferably ala Fox News.

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Convenient how the mistakes always seem to be the same ones, following the same government agenda. The BBC, like most of the mainstream media, is now just a propaganda outlet for government/corporate policy. Independant journalism died a long time ago in this area, you have to go 'alternative' to find true investigative journalism these days.


It is strange how if the BBC is a Government Propoganda machine that Cameron has cut back big time the BBC's funding and frequently attacts them. He would much prefer his mates the Murdochs to be the purveyor of news, preferably ala Fox News.


The BBC is an establishment tool, tabloids play party politics. There is a big difference

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Oh spare me your http://en.wikipedia....wo_Minutes_Hate


The whole thing is convenient... convenient for a group of Western Powers looking for pretext


Oh spare me your bullshit.


The whole thing is convenient... convenient for a group of conspiracy theory nutters looking for the flimsiest possible pretex to claim the national broadcaster is a giant government propaganda machine so they can then let it fester away in their tiny little minds....

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Oh spare me your http://en.wikipedia....wo_Minutes_Hate


The whole thing is convenient... convenient for a group of Western Powers looking for pretext


Oh spare me your bullshit.


The whole thing is convenient... convenient for a group of conspiracy theory nutters looking for the flimsiest possible pretex to claim the national broadcaster is a giant government propaganda machine so they can then let it fester away in their tiny little minds....


That's me told.. The law according to Walter f**king Mitty


I suppose you have the inside track being in SIS etc.... Yawn


Isn't there a copy of Guns and Ammo you could pleasure yourself over?


As I said in my original post we are dealing with unconfirmed rumour and unverified statistics plus the sources of information have a vested interest.

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