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Calling Someone "fatty" Could Become A Hatecrime.


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i will call myself an expert in this field. i have fat parents, one of which is morbidly obese. i comfort ate when i was a child and spent all of my childhood being bullied for being so large. since the age of 5 really! when i was 16 i had a body-weight of 22st and a 44" waist. after years of controlling what i eat and realising that my eating habits were an addiction, ultimately a by-product of boredom i was able to get down to 15st and a 34" waist by the time i was 22.


i doubt if i hadnt been singled out for being so big that i would have bothered changing and i think it is pathetic that all that fatties out there that gorge on high sugar and salty snacks because they're in a cycle of denial, boredom and low self-esteem moan at being called fat. get a fucking grip, put down the crisps and control yourselves! you put a strain on the NHS as well as loved ones around you because you do not care about your outward appearance.


calling someone black or gay IS A REAL HATECRIME not being called fat, you have a choice not to be this way so put the down the doughnut and go for a fucking walk.


if you need any tips or advice on losing weight i can help you but you must be willing to change.


try and analyse the trigger point in your life that made you this way and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!

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I'm not fat, I have a different life choice.

.......but you are a bit triangular.........smile.png




well done jilly j arsenfekker, another sterling contribution from that oh-so-clever mind of yours!

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You ever thought about setting up a fat camp, JumpUp?


You'd be good at that (seriously, no sarcasm implied).


hmmmmm, interesting thought. if my career goes tits-up then it's always an option!!

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You ever thought about setting up a fat camp, JumpUp?


You'd be good at that (seriously, no sarcasm implied).

i As I have Jumped Up on block, I can only imagine from your post that he has declared himself King of the Fatties. This would make him thick, unpleasant and fat. It would also explain why my one post directed at him, (following nasty little comments about my kids), suggesting he has Mamma issues, prompted such a vile reaction and subsequent forum-stalking behaviour. Figures.
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i will call myself an expert in this field. i have fat parents, one of which is morbidly obese. i comfort ate when i was a child and spent all of my childhood being bullied for being so large. since the age of 5 really! when i was 16 i had a body-weight of 22st and a 44" waist. after years of controlling what i eat and realising that my eating habits were an addiction, ultimately a by-product of boredom i was able to get down to 15st and a 34" waist by the time i was 22.


i doubt if i hadnt been singled out for being so big that i would have bothered changing and i think it is pathetic that all that fatties out there that gorge on high sugar and salty snacks because they're in a cycle of denial, boredom and low self-esteem moan at being called fat. get a fucking grip, put down the crisps and control yourselves! you put a strain on the NHS as well as loved ones around you because you do not care about your outward appearance.


calling someone black or gay IS A REAL HATECRIME not being called fat, you have a choice not to be this way so put the down the doughnut and go for a fucking walk.


if you need any tips or advice on losing weight i can help you but you must be willing to change.


try and analyse the trigger point in your life that made you this way and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!

So if you title a white person as being white is that a hate crime or a statement of fact?

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i will call myself an expert in this field. i have fat parents, one of which is morbidly obese. i comfort ate when i was a child and spent all of my childhood being bullied for being so large. since the age of 5 really! when i was 16 i had a body-weight of 22st and a 44" waist. after years of controlling what i eat and realising that my eating habits were an addiction, ultimately a by-product of boredom i was able to get down to 15st and a 34" waist by the time i was 22.


i doubt if i hadnt been singled out for being so big that i would have bothered changing and i think it is pathetic that all that fatties out there that gorge on high sugar and salty snacks because they're in a cycle of denial, boredom and low self-esteem moan at being called fat. get a fucking grip, put down the crisps and control yourselves! you put a strain on the NHS as well as loved ones around you because you do not care about your outward appearance.


calling someone black or gay IS A REAL HATECRIME not being called fat, you have a choice not to be this way so put the down the doughnut and go for a fucking walk.


if you need any tips or advice on losing weight i can help you but you must be willing to change.


try and analyse the trigger point in your life that made you this way and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!

So if you title a white person as being white is that a hate crime or a statement of fact?


I cant work that out either, jeez its not safe to safe anything these days.

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it is a hate crime, having lived in places likes Huddersfield and Sheffield they are quite hot on White hate crime. what is your opinion?

Well racism and homophobic abuse IS a hate crime, but only because it has been designated at such and because such a thing as hate crime has been made to exist.
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