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Max Payne 3


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I'm 92% downloaded through Steam, chunkiest game download ever!


After the absolute fucking disaster area of Diablo 3, I'm really hoping that Max Payne 3 will cheer me up gaming wise.


If it's just 'Max Payne 2 again, but with the loveliness dialled up to 11' - I'll be happy.

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so, whats the verdict??


I was too tired and had drunk too much wine by the time it finished downloading so I watched the intro, fiddled with the graphics options, had my tea, and went to bed.


Analysis shall commence today, although it'll have to be when Twonky Jnr isn't around as it's all a bit Cert 18ey.

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Holy shit it's a bit of a looker.


In the 'disco intro scene' it was almost like watching a film, almost hard to believe it was being rendered on the fly.


Can't get the controls feeling quite right though, even with the mouse sensitivity at maximum on both axes it doesn't move fast enough for my liking.

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Yeah feels like you're in the middle of a movie. I think it looks ace


How are you finding the controls?


I really do hate to say this, but I'm half inclined to have a go with my 360 pad and use the built-in auto-aim. I'm used to playing the likes of CS and BF3 with incredibly high mouse sensitivity, even with X and Y set to 10, this game is just a bit too 'treacly'.


(And Max Payne 1/2 I could get to be comfortable as well, although I do remember having the sensitivity right near the top.)


But yes, the graphics are mind-boggling, pushes my PC hard but I'm keeping it at 60FPS or above with everything maxed out detail wise, skimping a bit on AA (2x) and V-Sync off.


First time I've seen a really impressive use of tesselation in a game too.


Next-gen console games will probably look like this.

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Fuck me this game is awesome, Max Payne is back as he belongs. SHOOTING THE PLACE UP, drinking, swallowing pills, and being a bit miserable about stuff.


I was SOOOOOO disappointed by Alan Wake, no one wants to play a shoot-em-up game with a fucking softarse who doesn't like guns and needs to wave a torch at the baddies before he can kill them, and they're not even real baddies anyway, just some sort of pseudo-zombie crap. (See also, Doom 3.)


Max Payne 3 is Max back in his element, phenomenal gunplay, awesome slo-mo takedowns, a man self-destructing with every frame but hellbent on issuing out deliverance to every motherfucker in his way before he succumbs to the morass of misery and self-hatred.


Every bullet through the brain of a bad guy, every face literally taken apart, once the bad guy is already dead, but fuck it let's shoot him some more, is the catharsis he needs.


This is the game I wanted Alan Wake to be. Fortunately, where Remedy lost the plot, Rockstar have picked up Max and put him back on his feet. Extreme violence, excessive swearing, telling people to fuck off and calling them cunts, and making it all look and sound really cool and feel immensely satisfying in the process, often in slow-motion, just because, fuck you this is Max Payne.


Max is back.

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Wow...best looking game I've seen in motion since buying the PC...the upgrade to the GTX580 card was worth it for this alone, simply beautiful to look at...found myself wondering around levels just taking in the detail ( then proceeding to blow the crap out of it! ).


loving the gameplay, I believe they've patched it to make the aiming faster and more responsive, i've not even really noticed the long cutscenes as the story has been entertaining enough to keep me hooked.


not sure on how far through I am ( I've just shaved my head ), but I'm already looking forward to trying out some of the arcade modes!

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It's an absolute fucking masterpiece of a game.


TBH I'm such an old fart I can only take around 45 minutes at a time before I get over-excited and have to do something a bit less visceral :D


The audio in particular is a work of genius, obviously the soundtrack, but also getting the original voice actor for Max back in, a decent story and script, generally very good voice acting, overall effects work etc.


The only downer for me is Twonky Jnr goes to bed so late these days it's often 10pm or later before I can get on to play! (Definitely not a child-friendly game....)

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