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Bilderberg 2012 In Chantilly, Virginia

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First heard about these guys about 10 years ago from, admittedly, a conspiracy nut who insisted that I didn't even search for their name through a traceable PC for fear of drawing their ire... When I DID eventually give it a look, I was shocked at who was involved and was even more shocked that absolutely nobody talks about it! Any info would be greatly appreciated, although I do doubt they'll be letting the press in to record the meeting :(


Oh and lol at the Lizard people... That mental image had me in stitches!

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Maybe I'm one of the lizard people, part of the misinformation campaign to discredit the intellectual collossi who have discovered us.


Just messin' with your head, mate. I'm not really one of the lizard people.

But then again that's what I'd expect you to say if you really were a reptilian....

Or maybe that's a double bluff and I really am one....

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But then again that's what I'd expect you to say if you really were a reptilian....

Or maybe that's a double bluff and I really am one....


Surely your avatar should be changed to Monty Burns then? (lolz at remembering the old "Stonecutters" episode)


although I do doubt they'll be letting the press in to record the meeting


Well as being "off the record" is a key principle of the whole gathering, I think that's a fair bet. Well, almost, as it seems a small number of journalists are invited, on condition they don't write about it. Maybe that's only special lizardy journos though.


Time to channel that inner Hunter S. Thompson then methinks...

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Just ignore the closed minded idiots on here, the island seems full if them, they really need to get out more.


Keep the updates coming, there's a few on here who are interested.

Just ignore the isolated-fantasist idiots on here, the island seems full of them, they really need to get out more.


Keep the updates coming, there's few on here who are interested.


You seem like a funny guy, you must be quite popular.


Surprisingly, more popular than you are.

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Just ignore the closed minded idiots on here, the island seems full if them, they really need to get out more.


Keep the updates coming, there's a few on here who are interested.

Just ignore the isolated-fantasist idiots on here, the island seems full of them, they really need to get out more.


Keep the updates coming, there's few on here who are interested.


You seem like a funny guy, you must be quite popular.


Surprisingly, more popular than you are.

Got to be worth calling his bluff on that one!wink.png

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Just ignore the closed minded idiots on here, the island seems full if them, they really need to get out more.


Keep the updates coming, there's a few on here who are interested.

Just ignore the isolated-fantasist idiots on here, the island seems full of them, they really need to get out more.


Keep the updates coming, there's few on here who are interested.


You seem like a funny guy, you must be quite popular.

Especially with lizards. And freemasons. I am the Grand Pelican of the 33rd degree....

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Have you bothered to look at the attendees list from this year going back to 1954? Have you bothered to look into the verifiable origins and history of the meeting? David Rockefeller talks about it in his memoirs, other highly influential politicians and businessmen have too. The BBC even did a thirty minute radio show on it a few years ago.


It only comprises of some of the most influential men and women in finance, politics, media, academia, military and other areas who have been gathering behind closed doors under armed guard and in secret for nearly 60 years in various locations around Europe and North America. I don't have a clue what they are talking about in there but somehow I don't think they're talking about sports. Why is this meeting different from all the other meetings like G8, G20, the World Economic Forum and other meetings? Are you not even curious why there's been a virtual media blackout on it for so long?


I think your response about lizard people is totally pathetic and immature. You just make those idiots I spoke to yesterday from Tucker Carlson's the Daily Caller look like geniuses.

You are Alex Jones and i claim my nickle and dime.

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Do some research. Stop being lazy and dismissive.


You insolent shit.


Research done long ago. Learnings: lots of high-powered people get together for "off the record" debate. Lots of folk outside debate fearing capitalist / global government consipracy. Group meeting is private and therefore I can't know what they're talking about. Conclusion: On balance I think it's a good thing that people are talking and thinking, and I can understand why the quality of those discussions may be better if they're off the record. End of as far as I'm concerned. I'll leave it as yet another issue for Guardian readers to get aggitated about.

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Do some research. Stop being lazy and dismissive.

Actually, i'm way ahead of you, young fella. I researched this group in the eighties, along with the Illuminatus, Aleister Crowley, Eliphas Levi, The Thule Group, Freemasonry/'secret-societies', Nazi occult worship, Area 51/ufo 'cover-ups' and stuff i've forgotten! You name it, i was reading about it. My curiosity knew no bounds in those days. After much exhaustive 'research', and paranoiac-angst, i reached the conclusion that living in the real world was preferable to murky supposition and 'alternative realities.

I've yet to meet an avid conspiracy-theorist who, in my own humble opinion of course, had both their feet on the ground. Even if these groups/cults et al did esist and were capable of the power and influence that your good self and others suppose, there was absolutely nothing one could do about it.

Right, gotta go, i'm due back on planet earth anytime now....

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I'd hope you lot know about Chatham House and it's rules. I wonder how many cabinet ministers, secretaries of state, and CEOs have met under Chatham House rules over the years. Why isn't this secrecy exposed? What are they discussing?


I'm sure you know what Adam Smith said about business men gathering secretly, but when it comes to understanding the international environment there is much to be gained in candidly discussing the ever changing situation.

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Do some research. Stop being lazy and dismissive.

Actually, i'm way ahead of you, young fella. I researched this group in the eighties, along with the Illuminatus, Aleister Crowley, Eliphas Levi, The Thule Group, Freemasonry/'secret-societies', Nazi occult worship, Area 51/ufo 'cover-ups' and stuff i've forgotten! You name it, i was reading about it. My curiosity knew no bounds in those days. After much exhaustive 'research', and paranoiac-angst, i reached the conclusion that living in the real world was preferable to murky supposition and 'alternative realities.


This story is about corporatist technocrats, not the sort of wacky far out nonsense that you say you were about.

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This story is about corporatist technocrats,


Well that would depend on what sort of conspiracy you subscribe to. To quote from Wikipedia "Some on the left accuse the Bilderberg group of conspiring to impose capitalist domination, while some on the right have accused the group of conspiring to impose a world government and planned economy."



i reached the conclusion that living in the real world was preferable to murky supposition and 'alternative realities.

I've yet to meet an avid conspiracy-theorist who, in my own humble opinion of course, had both their feet on the ground. Even if these groups/cults et al did esist and were capable of the power and influence that your good self and others suppose, there was absolutely nothing one could do about it.



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