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Beef Tripe - Wanted


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I presume its for pet food?


Undressed tripe, or grey, is nowadays not considered fit for human consumption so I don't think you will be able to buy. The abattoir will produce it as a by product, you may be able to get your butcher to supply. The green reference is due to the high amount of chlorophyll, but whenever I have seen it for sale, here historically, or abroad, it is always a grey colour.


Come to think of it I have not seen dressed, or white, tripe on sale in IOM for years anyway.


Last had tripe, strips, battered and deep fried, in Bulgaria about 18 months ago and before that in Florence off a street vendors stall in a herb and tomato sauce

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I presume its for pet food?


Undressed tripe, or grey, is nowadays not considered fit for human consumption so I don't think you will be able to buy. The abattoir will produce it as a by product, you may be able to get your butcher to supply. The green reference is due to the high amount of chlorophyll, but whenever I have seen it for sale, here historically, or abroad, it is always a grey colour.


Come to think of it I have not seen dressed, or white, tripe on sale in IOM for years anyway.


Last had tripe, strips, battered and deep fried, in Bulgaria about 18 months ago and before that in Florence off a street vendors stall in a herb and tomato sauce


*** Generalisation Alert ***


Tripe is to be avoided if you have high cholesterol, but it's not that bad. In fact it's sold regulalry here in Switzerland, also in a herb and tomato sauce, othen with boiled potatoes. I'm a fan of the stuff :)



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Yes it's for dogs, trying to find a good supplier of raw meats for them, can easily get chicken quarters, lamb necks ect from the butcher but tripe is a bit harder over here!


Yes i know the colour is not green, it's usually a grey black white colour, i meant green as raw & not cleaned for human consumption


It can be bought in Pets At Home in frozen blocks but alot of water is added to bulk it out and I feel hard done by paying for 70% water plus its around 15% more expensive

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