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Dead Cat Turned Into A Helicopter

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I am stunned by those who I know to be sensitive cat lovers & who thought this clever/interesting/artistic


I am a cat lover, as are the wife and kids. None of us thought it clever/interesting/artistic - hilarious would be the most appropriate adjective. Or bonkers, I suppose.

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Yes, I think killing a cat on purpose would be going too far. Wonder where the batteries go? And would you want to remove them for recharging?

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Not so Barrie. An animal lover myself, with pets of several hues, I did love that book.


As for the batteries, surely there could have been some kind of dynamo thing going on with rechargeable batteries fed off the legs? Don't know, but much as I love cats (and dogs etc) I sure ain't fishing around any deceased's jacksy just to animate an otherwise rigored corpse.

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