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Allen 'ponzi' Stanford Jailed For 110 Years

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BBC News


Had he been in the UK then might have got 2 years, probably conditionally discharged.


Isle of Man he wouldn't have been touched or if there was a trial then struck-off for a couple of years or so.


Alternatively - as was the case of Savings & Investment Bank (SIB) which closed its doors 30 years ago this month - got let off completely.

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I find it interesting that when a private company takes money off people, promising them future benefits, and does not deliver because the cash gets spent on other things, they get put out of business and people get locked up. Governments do it and it's all OK. Double standards?

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There will be a few more of these sacrificial lambs thrown to the wolves before this whole global financial fiasco reaches it's dire conclusion.


Rather ironic that when he dyed his hair he did look a bit like Allan Lamb, the former cricketer!!

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