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Is There A Protest Arranged The Norwegian Visitors


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Per the report on the BBC tv news last night Norway is continuing hunting Minke whales - "Norway is not bound by the 20-year-old commercial moratorium administered by the International Whaling Commission (IWC) because it objected to the ban's introduction. In total, nearly 800 whales are to be caught by the Norwegians between now and the end of the season; and there are plans here to increase the total whale catch to 1,800 every year".


From IOM Newspapers website:-

MORE than 100 Norwegians will be coming to the Island on May 13 for a unique

celebration of their country's century of independence.

The group. from the county of Rogaland in southwest Norway, will include senior

political representatives, people interested in culture and a 70-strong symphony

choir. Being at the centre of the west coast oil and gas production area, Rogaland is one of the richest counties in Norway. The party of visitors will arrive on May 13 for five days of celebrations organised by the government and other Manx bodies.

The programme of action-packed events includes performances by the Stavanger Symphony Choir, the opening of an exhibition of Norwegian art at the Manx Museum's National Art Gallery and a Norwegian and Manx parade on the morning of May 17, Norway's national day. Norse kings once ruled the Island and Tynwald was established by Viking settlers over 1,000 years ago. Chief Minister Donald Gelling MLC said: 'I am absolutely delighted that our guests from Rogaland value their connections with the Isle of Man so much that they are travelling all the way here to mark Norway's national day and its one hundred years of independence.'

He added: 'The Island will be joining with them to celebrate those connections, which go back more than 1,000 years to the origins of our own independent, national parliament.' In recent years the Island has been building on its historic links with Norway to develop cultural and economic opportunities of mutual benefit.


HELLO - who else thinks its morally indefensible to hunt whales? Is anyone going to protest?

What is the IOM Government's stance with regard to whaling?

What, if anything, is the Chief Minsiter going to say about whaling to the Norwegian politicians he will be meeting?

Does the majority of people on the IOM want "to develop cultural and economic opportunities of mutual benefit" with Norway whilst it still pursues Minke whales?


reponses on a postcard please and if you can afford 10p why not call your MHK and tell him/her what you think IOM Government should do.

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Don't be stupid ans. We're inviting them over to fish in our waters! And the Government are determined to get rid of the small fishing industry we have here and the norwegians offered, as long as they get to eat any whales that they catch.

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I agree with Old Git -

and if there is anyone to organise a protest I would be up for being on it.

Thing is whales and dolphins are warm blooded mammals not fish....but guess this missive has lost its chips if no one else cares.....or do they?

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