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Is There A Protest Arranged The Norwegian Visitors


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I agree with Old Git -

and if there is anyone to organise a protest I would be up for being on it.

Thing is whales and dolphins are warm blooded mammals not fish....but guess this missive has lost its chips if no one else cares.....or do they?


I have read a bit about the Norwegians, Icelanders, and Japanese opposing whaling bans and trying to justify it. And there are those in here that say it is their culture so let them get on with it.


However there is a majority of people all over the world who object to this slaughter of highly intelligent mammals.


If we should adopt the attitude it is their culture and let them get on with it should we then do nothing and say nothing about islamic countries stoning to death women because they are considered unclean after being raped.


Just where do we draw the line between cultural differrence and human and animal rights?


Ken Watterson, a manx man living on the IOM has created a basking shark watch and is now regarded as the world's leading expert on these creatures that frequent the south west of the IOM each summer. When they migrate north the Norwegians slaughter them.


What support has Ken had from the IOM Government? NONE.


Now we see the money grabbing political opportunist politicians welcoming Norwegians to the Isle of man and conveniently forgetting what research is going on here.


On Tynwald day 5th July, at the Manx taxpayers expense, seniour Norwegian politicians will attend the ceremony at St Johns and in the evening participate in a banquet costing thousands of pounds. The manx taxpayer will foot the bill for air fares, hotel costs, taxi fares, food and drink.


Is it right that the Manx Government should welcome these people at our expense?


I think not.


Despite the jokers in here who think it funny I am one who cares and I intend to write to my MHKs about it. I will get nowhere but at least I will have tried.

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Thing is whales and dolphins are warm blooded mammals not fish....but guess this missive has lost its chips if no one else cares.....or do they?


So are cows, pigs, sheep, hens and turkeys, and most people happily eat those. The fact is that animals are part of the food chain. Always have been, always will be.

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Whale Pie (and dam nice it is too.)


11/2 lbs Minke Whale meat (tail end is best)

1 - 2 bay leaf

srtick of celery

few whole black Peppercorns

1 tb Salt

4 oz salted Butter

4 oz plain Flour

4 - 6 oz single Light cream

dash white Pepper

Salt ready to season to taste

4 – 6 oz shallots

sliced mushrooms

1 pk Frozen peas

Sliced Pimento (optional – could use 1 tsp. powder)

Short crust pastry


Cut the whale meat up, about 1" cubes, put in a large-ish pan and cover with water. Add bay leaf, celery, peppercorns and salt. Bring to the boil, cover and cook over low heat for 2 – 2 ½ hours or until the meat is tender.


Melt the butter in pan, add flour and stir to form a roux.

Add the cream, pepper and salt.

Continue cooking over low heat stirring all the while until thick.


Now strain the contents meat pan and put it into into a pie dish, add the sauce, and cover with a pastry lid.


Preheated the oven to about 450 degrees and bake for around a quarter of an hour or so to cook the pastry lid.


Like I say – dam nice.


Whales are, after all, little more than large sea-going cows


I also have recipes for other delights (they really are – I collected them on my travels including seal flipper pie from Newfoundland. Really great.)

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Thank God that over the years I've not been hounded by protesters against my country's views on the likes of birching and anti-homosexual legislation whilst I've been on holiday, minding my own business...

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Thank God that over the years I've not been hounded by protesters against my country's views on the likes of birching and anti-homosexual legislation whilst I've been on holiday, minding my own business...


Over the years, when I've been on holiday, I have frequently been asked whether those pieces of legislation were still extant, and most of the enquirers were extremely disappointed to discover that they weren't.

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I agree with Darth - better still phone your MHK (get the number from the page in the phone book) now or as soon as you can and tell him/her your not happy at IOM Taxpayers hosting a GROUP of Norewgian policticians if the MHK doesn't voice the view to them that whale hunting is morally indefensible.


and as for Loaf "Thank God that over the years I've not been hounded by protesters against my country's views on the likes of birching and anti-homosexual legislation whilst I've been on holiday, minding my own business..." ...think not using what they are named after... as the whole point is the Norwegian politicians are not on holiday - they will be here on IOM to develop cultural and business ties. Politicians determine a country's course and developement - hunting intelligent warm blooded mammals that suckle young for 'exotic' food that is no longer a staple dietary ingredient from a species whose continued existence is questionable is wrong...

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Thing is whales and dolphins are warm blooded mammals not fish....but guess this missive has lost its chips if no one else cares.....or do they?


So are cows, pigs, sheep, hens and turkeys, and most people happily eat those. The fact is that animals are part of the food chain. Always have been, always will be.


Difference is that these animals are not killed humanely. A few take a while to die.

Also adults are killed while their young still need them to suckle. Also pregnant adults are killed and the unborn foetus cut out of the womb by the whalers.


Farmed animals like cows are killed humanely, and not subject to such blatant preventable cruelty.


And lets not forget we are talking about a species close to extinction here.


But our present Manx Government seems to wish to have cosy dialogue with all manner of tyranical regimes to suck up to the finance sector and big business.

Money comes before morality. A lot of people are comfortable with that. I am not.

While farming animals humanely is ok, we have no right to torture and murder to extinction other species of life on this planet. It is their world too and all of us are just tenants.

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I think if you spent a day in an abatoir you might change your mind about that, but we're all better off not knowing what goes on really.


The fact that the whales are threatened is relevant, and Norway do regularly face trade sanctions because of continued hunting, but this is the Isle of Man - we're really not important enough to make a difference. Granted, we've got our own Government that can give nice tax breaks if they want, but we're only really on a par with a large town, like Bolton, for example.

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I agree to a certain extent.


So why is the Manx Government spending our money trying to be high flyers in the international trade game and getting a bloody chimney sweep to do it?


What a complete total joke.


Tynwald=Mickey Mouse


Isle of Man= Disneyland


Ho ho ho!


The more I think of it,


A wasted vote on the Isle of Man, is a save of time.

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