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Does  anyone know the outcome of the serious accident which  happened near Gutheries on Monday? where the road was closed for several hours 

rumours abound  was it fatal? if so  what kind on vehicles were involved , 

why is information regarding RTC's being kept from the public , !

is anyone in government playing down serious road accidents  or whatever the police want to call them these days 


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12 minutes ago, Omobono said:

Does  anyone know the outcome of the serious accident which  happened near Gutheries on Monday? where the road was closed for several hours 

rumours abound  was it fatal? if so  what kind on vehicles were involved , 

why is information regarding RTC's being kept from the public , !

is anyone in government playing down serious road accidents  or whatever the police want to call them these days 


There was another involving a bike and a car at Brandywell about a month ago that involved a lengthy road closure too, that one seemed to have slipped through the press net as well.

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3 minutes ago, Omobono said:

Does  anyone know the outcome of the serious accident which  happened near Gutheries on Monday? where the road was closed for several hours 

rumours abound  was it fatal? if so  what kind on vehicles were involved , 

why is information regarding RTC's being kept from the public , !

is anyone in government playing down serious road accidents  or whatever the police want to call them these days 


In any serious collision they contact the family first before making the details public, if someone is so critically ill/injured they’ve closed the road for 6+ hours it means the police are treating it as a fatal collision and will be doing their investigations into the collision. So in short either it’s not a fatal but injuries are serious/severe that the first 24-48hrs will be considered critical or they’ve been unable to contact the family.


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1 hour ago, Annoymouse said:

In any serious collision they contact the family first before making the details public, if someone is so critically ill/injured they’ve closed the road for 6+ hours it means the police are treating it as a fatal collision and will be doing their investigations into the collision. So in short either it’s not a fatal but injuries are serious/severe that the first 24-48hrs will be considered critical or they’ve been unable to contact the family.


Nearly but not quite.

I've reported that a collision has been a fatality from the scene. I will have deployed officers to contact NOK. Serious and fatal collisions are a matter of public interest as they have a stake in road safety and matters related to that which may also curtail their ability to use a route.

The name of the deceased will be released after liaison with the family - but a death is a matter of public record. 

I've had issues in the past with investigating officers unnecessarily delaying public updates. Failure to do.so undermines public confidence and gives rise to unhelpful speculation and conspiracy theories.

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I remember an MHK (Annie Craine I think) saying that a road fatality costs @ £3M in public time and resources to attend, investigate, deal with and tie off, that was some time ago now too, it was part of the justification for the original Richmond Hill mods.

Meaning that the admin costs of one death would surely cover most of the infrastructure and equipment necessary to impose a restriction on the Mountain Rd?

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2 hours ago, Derek Flint said:

The name of the deceased will be released after liaison with the family - but a death is a matter of public record. 

I've had issues in the past with investigating officers unnecessarily delaying public updates. Failure to do.so undermines public confidence and gives rise to unhelpful speculation and conspiracy theories.

We don’t tend to hear about the serious / critically injured RTCs though, unless they put out an appeal out for witnesses, whereas a fatality is normally reported fairly quickly.

The fact they haven’t put out any updates does unfortunately fuel the speculation, it sounds horrible to say it but when it’s closed for that length of time you do tend to expect to hear the worst.

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1 hour ago, Non-Believer said:

I remember an MHK (Annie Craine I think) saying that a road fatality costs @ £3M in public time and resources to attend, investigate, deal with and tie off, that was some time ago now too, it was part of the justification for the original Richmond Hill mods.

Meaning that the admin costs of one death would surely cover most of the infrastructure and equipment necessary to impose a restriction on the Mountain Rd?

Unfortunately the Government doesn’t work like that, the 3m figure would be across multiple departments and in some way would involved a calculated cost to everyone who’s been held up or affected by the accident. Whether stuck in traffic or having 7 miles added on their journey, it’s effectively paying yourself compensation for time lost.

A speed camera installation would most likely fall directly to the DOI and would solely come out of their budget, so it wouldn’t happen, not unless some other new initiative was formed/agreed and it came out of that budget instead.

When we currently have Government departments billing other Government departments just so it isn’t coming out of their budget or in certain cases so it looks like profit is actually being made but is simply being lost elsewhere in another department, it’s going to go now where fast.

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On 9/27/2021 at 11:34 PM, Annoymouse said:

Yes, putting combined limits and speed cameras will simply move the problem to somewhere without speed cameras, say the mountain is a 60mph limit, average speed cameras set over the entire length (would probably need to be every mile just to stop people just pulling over and then going for a blast), it will simply move the speeding/idiotic driving issue to roads without cameras, littering the island with speed cameras would cost an absolute fortune.



It works, I have driven up/down the A90 for a few years. On one occasion I received a fine for averaging 74mph and did exactly what you suggested above; kept within the limits for a period of time, parked up for a few minutes to make some mobile phone calls and then set off again, exceeded the speed limit several times. The result was the ticket. Only did that the once. 

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5 minutes ago, Boris Johnson said:

Went over the mountain this morning and with the heavy rain it was badly flooded in places.

I can see more accidents up there this winter due to aquaplaning as the pools or more accurately, lakes of water this morning were mostly new, seem to be caused by drains full of big weeds..................

You suggesting DOI are not maintaining the roads and gulleys. Surely not !! In all honesty do they actually maintain anything these days ? Laxey flooding comes to mind . 

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