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8 minutes ago, Youaintseenme said:

To be fair, it’s not normally a 50 and isn’t particularly well signposted.

The Sloc seems to have random sized 50 signs on random sides of the road and at random heights every few hundred metres.

It was utter bullshit then about all these 50 limits being to facilitate road works/ TT setup then?

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1 hour ago, Youaintseenme said:

Well, they took them away for a few weeks and then they more appeared with little warning or signage last week.

The while coast road is also max 50 as is the entire TT course from Douglas to the Mountain plus the whole of the sloc from Port Erin to a foxdale.

Lots of mutteringa from disgruntled bikers.  50 is too low in loads of places although I think is about right for most of the coast road

Seems the goal is to concentrate the fast riding on the mountain, which kinda makes sense. People can still have a go but you have fewer crashes. Hopefully, anyway. 


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Not tried the 50 sloc yet, but 50 TT course to Ramsey today seemed fine. Bit slow in places, sure, but generally I'm not against it. Too many private dwellings, parked cars, etc, along the course to blast past there and let's face it: most visiting riders are not equipped to do more than 50 on that road anyway. 

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9 hours ago, Youaintseenme said: Set reasonable limits and people will understand and respect them.

Blanket 50 everywhere is stupid

During TT preparations it used to be 50mph (now 40mph) and during TT period majority of unrestricted sections were 60mph (now 50mph) I much prefer the older restrictions and find 50mph absolutely tedious, why did they change them? who made that decision? Ive not seen any public consultation, it seems they’ve just slapped new limits on and hoped for the best.

As a side note, quite a few of DOIs own vehicles aren’t sticking to the temp limits (they didn’t during set up either) which is really starting to get on my nerves, I’ve got my speed limiter set to 55mph which is a GPS verified speed of 50/51mph, so my dash cam is always bang on the speed limit, are these vehicles not monitored at all? talk about leading by example.

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Very nearly got stung coming through Laxey as roads closed, just accelerating out of the 20mph limit heading towards Ramsey, a (badly) parked car on left, car coming down in distance so I accelerated to make things a little easier, just as I clear car and ease back off there is a copper stood there with a hair dryer, so I look down and i’m doing 35mph on speedo,  (likely 32-33ish recorded) I think he was in two minds as he looked at me and looked at his speed gun several times, maybe he saw the situation for what it was or maybe I got lucky, I’ve got no idea, who knows, I just gave a nod and carried on.



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1 hour ago, Annoymouse said:

Very nearly got stung coming through Laxey as roads closed, just accelerating out of the 20mph limit heading towards Ramsey, a (badly) parked car on left, car coming down in distance so I accelerated to make things a little easier, just as I clear car and ease back off there is a copper stood there with a hair dryer, so I look down and i’m doing 35mph on speedo,  (likely 32-33ish recorded) I think he was in two minds as he looked at me and looked at his speed gun several times, maybe he saw the situation for what it was or maybe I got lucky, I’ve got no idea, who knows, I just gave a nod and carried on.



Lucky you didn't meet the two cyclists going north two abreast at less than 10mph at the everlasting bend.

Even if legal (not sure about that tbh) it is not particularly wise?.

Edited by ellanvannin2010
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19 hours ago, Youaintseenme said:

Well, they took them away for a few weeks and then they more appeared with little warning or signage last week.

The while coast road is also max 50 as is the entire TT course from Douglas to the Mountain plus the whole of the sloc from Port Erin to a foxdale.

Lots of mutteringa from disgruntled bikers.  50 is too low in loads of places although I think is about right for most of the coast road

It’s fine though because they can go as fast as they like down the Colby Glen road and Ballakilpheric road. De-restricted bonkers. 

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