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On 1/23/2023 at 11:13 AM, Weliveinhope said:

The extra time is not the issue for me, its the lack of thought, both for themselves and other road users. I would never advocate somebody driving dangerously, but given the excessively slow speeds one can make an assumption that the driver had no confidence in themself being able to handle the conditions, which in itself could be considered dangerous.

Or they were driving to the conditions?

I can remember getting fed up on the mountain road behind "slow" drivers in FOG  as I "knew" the road, having driven it so often.

That let me, like I think you do, drive that road faster than you can see in front because you know where the bends are, the bad places and places you take more care.

That is all very well and good until I was rattling up the Mountain Road toward Douglas one afternoon in thick fog and came across a MAMIL - Old guy on a racing bike wobbling all over the place.

I managed to miss rear ending him, Oh er Missus, said in a Frankie Howerd way   Butt! it was only luck that there was not anything coming the other way or it would have been a head on collision - at speed.

After that experience, I drove over the mountain Road with the assumption that there would be a fat guy in Lycra round the next blind bend and did not want the hassle of killing them that way - Laced food with undetectable poison is a better way to get rid of these "MAMILS" 

Moral of this story is drive to the conditions, if you get really worked up behind slow cars, get a life or leave earlier...

ETA. TVOR should not take the above as a way of removing cyclists from the roads BTW 

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On 1/23/2023 at 8:11 AM, Weliveinhope said:

To the guy or gal in the van who left Ramsey around 6.45 this morning and drove between 10 and 19 miles per hour all the way over the mountain, please have some consideration for other road users and pull over to let the long long queue of cars past. Whilst it was foggy, it certainly wasnt pea soup. You are clearly not confident in difficult conditions, and your lack of thought for other road users could potentialy cause an accident given the levels of frustration some drivers must have felt.

Its just about being thoughtful and having rerspect for other road users, and by that same token I'll refrain from mentioning the company.




I got stuck in that collosal queue as well.. some knob at the front of it presumably getting off on being responsible for pissing hundreds of people off . Clearly could have pulled in at windy corner (amongst other places) perfectly safely.. but nope

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2 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Something else gone on at 32nd Milestone earlier this evening too, many plod and blue flashing lights in attendance, north-bound lane partly blocked.

Just a car that had shat itself and unable to move under its own steam I'd say . Waiting to be recovered?. It was upright and undamaged looking with hazards flashing when I went past and with only one plod in attendance (around 5pm)

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2 hours ago, Banker said:

Don’t worry mountain road will be shut most of April so no accidents 😂


shut most of April so no accidents ~ I'm sure the DoI will give it a go... and if all else fails there are always the trams.

On the bright side parking in Ramsey will be a doddle at Easter. Guess the shops'll be glad of the peace and quiet while they brace themselves for TT. 



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I don't know why they  cant introduce a bonus fine for leaving the road on the mountain  while driving like a lunatic  at the very least it might deter some of the crackpots , I cam over there today  and cant believe how fast some drivers were going and in places water still running across  the road in some areas , dead easy to aquaplane loose the front end , 

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13 hours ago, Omobono said:

I don't know why they  cant introduce a bonus fine for leaving the road on the mountain  while driving like a lunatic  at the very least it might deter some of the crackpots , I cam over there today  and cant believe how fast some drivers were going and in places water still running across  the road in some areas , dead easy to aquaplane loose the front end , 

It won't deter the crackpots one iota as the crackpots think their driving is perfect and so they'll NEVER come off the road. 

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3 hours ago, Zarley said:

It won't deter the crackpots one iota as the crackpots think their driving is perfect and so they'll NEVER come off the road. 

Another one this morning too...



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