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On 3/19/2023 at 2:14 PM, Annoymouse said:

Do speed limits have some sort of reverse psychological effect? I’m noticing that when a speed limit is put in place drivers seem to be acting with some defiance, some of my recent findings :

20mph along Ramsey Quay, I used to be able to drive along/reverse park without feeling rushed/harassed but since the introduction of the 20mph speed limit I’ll typically have 3 or 4 cars push me along and when you indicate left to park they’ll overtake sometimes at speed rather than allowing you time/space to park, I never felt speed was particularly an issue here, I typically did 25mph when it was a 30mph and never encountered any issues.

Ramsey swing bridge, it’s a 5mph that is widely ignored by vast majority of people, I think a sensible speed would be somewhere between 10-15mph, most people are doing I’d say closer to 20-25mph and seem quite happy to risk their licence.

40mph temp limit stretching from Union Mills to Kirk Michael, currently being overtaken by I’d say by at least 4-5 cars every trip, overall feeling of being tailgated/harassed this is doing an indicated 45mph on speedo which is roughly 40/41 on GPS/actual speed. Normally I’m stuck behind 40mph drivers and overtaking them when it’s safe to do so and yet other than one learner doing 35mph I’ve not been stuck behind anyone since it’s introduction.

It’s getting to the stage now that I’ve yet to see a police officer speed checking in any of these locations and it feels like if you can’t beat them you might aswell join them type scenario.

So why do they introduce new speed limits when they don’t follow them up with regular speed checks? What sort of message does it send out? What happened to the speed checking van that was on loan/test?


The general thinking with a 20 limit is that it pulls the average speed down from 35 in a 30, to under 30. Unfortunately this has unravelled to some areas trying to enforcement them. This just results in pissing people off and more disobedience.

A 5mph limit is technically unenforceable hence you won't see any radar gun totin' cops on the swing bridge.

Temp limits. In the UK increasingly enforced with average speed technologies 

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1 hour ago, CrazyDave said:

WTF does that mean?

My family are fine.  They watched the weather forecast and adapted their driving style accordingly.

They’d have been better watching the road upon  which they were travelling when determining their driving style

glad they’re ok though.

Edited by The Voice of Reason
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