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Whenever there's even the slightest smattering of snow, these 4x4s with oversized tyres appear out of no-where and start swerving up and down our road trying to make themselves skid but failing to do so due to the grip on their tyres. I'm sure the disappointment is very satisfying though.


Is it really that much fun??

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It was closed but when I looked at bunga cam 1 there were people driving on it. Ridiculous.


No ridiculous is closing it when its covered in a few inches of snow, anybody with winter tyres fitted could get over the mountain road easy, 4x4's fitted with multi terrain tyres would also get over it with ease. Basically its closed because people cannot be trusted to drive sensibly in snow/ice conditions and fail to realise that summer tyres are just that.

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Yes, I was joking about it with my Swedish friends. 1mm snow Isle of Man shut! They are doing some mad 1600km trail at the mo, on Saturday they had to dig a hole in the snow to make a fire..brrrrr


All around Europe people are driving in conditions like this every day, difference is in most European countries its a legal requirement to fit winter tyres during winter months. Every year Britain grinds to a halt as soon as snow falls, it causes havoc and must be costing hundreds of thousands of pounds every year.

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studs are ace :lol:


had a pair if half studded SP44s on a 850 minivan 45 years ago when I worked in Ramsey, it was cheaper than getting a bent wing or worse. I put them on when the first frosts showed on the new smooth tarmac on the mountain (most of it had been quite rough reddish chippings up to then) and took them off a couple of months later when the frosts or snow had finished.

It would go anywhere, even towed people up hills etc !


The trouble is we have 'the wrong kind of snow', too warm and wet, compresses into ice, colder climates have snow which won't stick together but don't say they have no trouble with it, I've just been looking at the Bergen newspaper website and reading about all the crashes etc so it's a bit of a myth !

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No ridiculous is closing it when its covered in a few inches of snow, anybody with winter tyres fitted could get over the mountain road easy, 4x4's fitted with multi terrain tyres would also get over it with ease. Basically its closed because people cannot be trusted to drive sensibly in snow/ice conditions and fail to realise that summer tyres are just that.


who fits winter tyres anymore? very 70's- 4x4 are one of the worst in snow and always buried in hedgebacks

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It was closed but when I looked at bunga cam 1 there were people driving on it. Ridiculous.


No ridiculous is closing it when its covered in a few inches of snow, anybody with winter tyres fitted could get over the mountain road easy, 4x4's fitted with multi terrain tyres would also get over it with ease. Basically its closed because people cannot be trusted to drive sensibly in snow/ice conditions and fail to realise that summer tyres are just that.



Not just car drivers that can't be trusted.


A few years back the gritter took a tumble too.


Be careful out there.





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