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I dont think there are any more "incidents" than there ever used to be.


Its just in the old days they pushed the bikes to the side of the track and brushed up any bits with men in the road while people continued to use the road.


These days, every "incident" seems to result in a road closure where as in years gone by if you heard they had closed the road you could pretty much assume it was a fatality.

The Road Closures are probably for the safety of all those involved in dealing with the incidents, which I totally agree with. The behavior during the appaling weather last Winter, when some drivers were deliberately trying to soak staff trying to clear drains was one example of the total disregard some ' Local ' drivers have for those trying to make things safer for them. I don't exclude bikers, but every time I have been close to hold - ups during TT and MGP their riding has been impeccable . When the official figures come out for the appalling amount of accidents and speeding cases this year, it will be interesting to see just how many ' Locals ' have been involved. If previous years are anything to go by , it will be a lot.

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just wait for the diesel sprayer to get started :ermm:

Yes , no sign so far, but it will happen. Has anyone ever been caught or prosecuted for this act, or were they ALL innocent , it was just coincidence that it was TT time.

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There was a large diesel spill up there yesterday (and some nails).


Weather looks to be good until next Wednesday (Thursday looks like there may be some rain) so Mad Sunday will be interesting this year...

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I dont think there are any more "incidents" than there ever used to be.


Its just in the old days they pushed the bikes to the side of the track and brushed up any bits with men in the road while people continued to use the road.


These days, every "incident" seems to result in a road closure where as in years gone by if you heard they had closed the road you could pretty much assume it was a fatality.

The Road Closures are probably for the safety of all those involved in dealing with the incidents, which I totally agree with. The behavior during the appaling weather last Winter, when some drivers were deliberately trying to soak staff trying to clear drains was one example of the total disregard some ' Local ' drivers have for those trying to make things safer for them. I don't exclude bikers, but every time I have been close to hold - ups during TT and MGP their riding has been impeccable . When the official figures come out for the appalling amount of accidents and speeding cases this year, it will be interesting to see just how many ' Locals ' have been involved. If previous years are anything to go by , it will be a lot.


Well as locals use the road then there is a chance they will be involved.


To be fair we shouldn't have to avoid it because of fucking dickheads tramping on at 160 mph plus and treating it as a closed road racing circuit.


I witnessed it the other day up there twice in the space of 4 miles.

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MR News reports local motorist and visiting motorcycle rider involved in fatal accident.



So that is two fatalities so far...


I thought this was the only road fatality,unless you are including the racing incident at Billown circuit?

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Some of the visiting bikers can't wait to get on our unlimited speed roads (that's what they think).


So over they come and start racing around the circuit at way over the 70mph speed limit that they may be more accustomed to. They may never have ridden their bikes at these speeds before and certainly not on strange roads. I'm surprised there aren't more incidents to be honest.

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.............was passed by at least twenty bikes in the 40 and 30 zone approaching Ballaugh Bridge, all were doing way over the speed limit. From Douglas road corner to Ballaugh we saw the most idiotic riding, hopefully recorded by the bus we were following.

I speak as a biker and driver for over fifty years, hope that doesn't sound pompous but I find it difficult to believe that anyone can drive so crazily without any apparent thought for their own safety and even less thought for other road users.


I don't know the answer except to stay off the roads until the madness has passed, it's all just so sad that what I remember as a wonderful, exciting festival seems to have turned into a crazy race by some of the bikers and visitors.

Edited by doc.fixit
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the average age of the fan has gone down and the bikes are far more powerful. stick a few class A drugs in the mix it can only lead to carnage really. i know there's less of them but the manx grand prix crowd seem a lot more sensible road wise and machine wise to me

True. We get very few visitor incidents for MGP, whereas for TT we are seeing serious stuff every day. And it's only fatalities that get widely reported - press don't seem to bother about the life-changing injuries that we see most days.

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