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so Mad Sunday will be interesting this year...


I don't get Mad Sunday anymore.


It used to be the only day of the fortnight that they would open the mountain road one way, hence Mad Sunday. Now it's available for the majority of the 2 weeks it's no longer a 'special' day anymore.


Or is it just a bit more mad than the other mad days?


There's a constant stream of bikes just turning off at the Creg and zipping down through Axenfell to Laxey and then back round for another go. I bet a lot of riders hardly do full laps of the course anymore. It's like an amusement park now for free! Maybe just push it a little harder round that corner on your next go.

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14 of us on the island will live our last day tomorrow.


that implies 5000 deaths/year (neglecting fact that more would be in winter than summer)

5000 deaths per year for a 100000 population implies an annual age at death of 20 years - given the well discussed pensioner numbers would imply an totally unbelievable infant mortality - more likely that your numeracy is somewhat stressed.

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3 out of 105,000 of us (IOM population plus TT visitors) will face the same situation tomorrow regardless of where we live.


14 of us on the island will live our last day tomorrow.


Live life! It's yours and yours alone. Don't waste it telling others how to live theirs.


Like Frances I got confused by this. There were 850 deaths on the Island in 2015 - an average of 2.3 a day. So maybe you could round that up to 3 with 20,000 or so extra bike fans. But where the 14 comes from heaven knows. Maybe it's the Class A drugs.

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the average age of the fan has gone down and the bikes are far more powerful. stick a few class A drugs in the mix it can only lead to carnage really. i know there's less of them but the manx grand prix crowd seem a lot more sensible road wise and machine wise to me

Only a couple of weeks ago , the anti TT crowd on here were claiming that the average age had gone up. All will be fine when our latest ' Advisors ' Vision 9 get involved, and we have an extra 40,000 fans at the TT. Another brainwave for making money doomed to failure. I look forward to the day when all these whiz - kids see there is not a bottomless pit of money, pack their bags , and hand the TT back to those who know and love the Event. Are Vision 9 into Construction ? Because we will certainly need a new Hospital to service their dream, and many, many new roads. As to the Manx Grand Prix ( or whatever Re - Brand it's given next year ) , it has always attracted an older group of bikers. The vision men are well on the way to changing this however, and if they continue ploughing money into it, the roads at MGP will be as much of a problem as they are for TT now. None of this is the genuine fans fault , just so - called experts looking to make a fast buck.

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the average age of the fan has gone down and the bikes are far more powerful. stick a few class A drugs in the mix it can only lead to carnage really. i know there's less of them but the manx grand prix crowd seem a lot more sensible road wise and machine wise to me

Only a couple of weeks ago , the anti TT crowd on here were claiming that the average age had gone up. All will be fine when our latest ' Advisors ' Vision 9 get involved, and we have an extra 40,000 fans at the TT. Another brainwave for making money doomed to failure. I look forward to the day when all these whiz - kids see there is not a bottomless pit of money, pack their bags , and hand the TT back to those who know and love the Event. Are Vision 9 into Construction ? Because we will certainly need a new Hospital to service their dream, and many, many new roads. As to the Manx Grand Prix ( or whatever Re - Brand it's given next year ) , it has always attracted an older group of bikers. The vision men are well on the way to changing this however, and if they continue ploughing money into it, the roads at MGP will be as much of a problem as they are for TT now. None of this is the genuine fans fault , just so - called experts looking to make a fast buck.




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the average age of the fan has gone down and the bikes are far more powerful. stick a few class A drugs in the mix it can only lead to carnage really. i know there's less of them but the manx grand prix crowd seem a lot more sensible road wise and machine wise to me


Only a couple of weeks ago , the anti TT crowd on here were claiming that the average age had gone up. All will be fine when our latest ' Advisors ' Vision 9 get involved, and we have an extra 40,000 fans at the TT. Another brainwave for making money doomed to failure. I look forward to the day when all these whiz - kids see there is not a bottomless pit of money, pack their bags , and hand the TT back to those who know and love the Event. Are Vision 9 into Construction ? Because we will certainly need a new Hospital to service their dream, and many, many new roads. As to the Manx Grand Prix ( or whatever Re - Brand it's given next year ) , it has always attracted an older group of bikers. The vision men are well on the way to changing this however, and if they continue ploughing money into it, the roads at MGP will be as much of a problem as they are for TT now. None of this is the genuine fans fault , just so - called experts looking to make a fast buck.


Why? and does any of MANX Forums really concern you, I have no interest in what goes on in England, and would not dream of telling Englishmen how to run their country. I believe you dwell there, do you not , or are you one of our ' three months a year ' visitors.

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Honestly walking around town yesterday, the general impression I got was that most of the visitors are your "mid-life crisis" crowd.And there was none of the biker totty that I keep hearing about...

I must admit that seeing lots of middle aged bikers squeezing into leather outfits that used to fit them 30+ years ago doesn't thrill me in the slightest. :)

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What is the average age of the marshalls? My attention was drawn to this by three that I saw together. They looked so decrepit that they were leaning on each other to stand up. So I started looking at others. Not many young ones. They need to address this otherwise the marshall group will literally die.

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