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As someone who has dealt with hundreds of traffic accidents on the island, many of them of a serious nature and a good few fatal I can assure you that the first thing is always to protect the scene. This might be possible by signage and the positioning of vehicles but in the case of anything significant it is essential to close the road. Apart from protecting those involved and officers attending it is necessary to preserve as much as possible of the scene in order to properly investigate and determine the cause. Since tyre and scrape marks and minute pieces of debris are often involved it may be necessary to crawl along the road for some distance so as not to miss anything. Then you need to take measurements - often dozens of them. Not something to be undertaken while traffic is zooming past! Leaving this to a quieter time is not an option as I have known a second accident to occur at the same location within 24 hours and trying to distinguish one set of marks from another is no joke.

Edited by IOMRS97
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The free for all cannot go on much longer.

One-way and no speed limit clearly encourages people to treat it like a race track. Including locals. If they wanted to make it less accident-prone it would be 50 mph or less max + speed traps and cameras.


This is a neutral point. I am not arguing that it should or shouldn't be made less accident-prone. That's a policy decision.

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I've been thinking about the police and the hospital staff, the stuff they're having to deal with because of these races is incredible. Dear police and hospital workers, you are ace!


Last night I watched a race on ITV4, the tv production is fab and captures the crazy of the bikers to a tee/t/tea :). I don't think I will be taking up TT riding anytime soon and to be quite frank, I'm surprised those choosing to race haven't been sectioned (for their own safety).


I don't like drama farmers and try not to do it myself but it is difficult not to let the death of a 27 year old get to you. Minibee was watching at Sulby yesterday, I really wish she didn't like the bloody bikes, luckily I have the parent stalker app so I can see where she is at all times (needy mum...she is mid twenties btw)

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Thanks for posting , same footage definitely @ Black Hutflowers.gif



bet they won't park there again. and you wouldn't be happy with mr drift to the right and stop after you'd got on your overtaking line.


I can see what you're saying but a fair proportion of blame also lies with the biker who collided with the van for not allowing enough braking distance to the preceding bike to react and avoid a crash.

Edited by Lisenchuk
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So the total stands at 4 dead (of which 1 was a racer) and several with significant injuries...


Is it too soon yet or ....


2 dead competitors on mountain course I thought?? and 1 on southern 100 course pre TT classic, I'd love to be wrong in this case.

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