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I leave my bikes in the garage during TT and give the course a swerve,wouldn't go on the mountain in a car, it's not much consolation being in the right when you are injured or dead after insisting on your rights to ride.


Just sayingflowers.gif


One wise poster.

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I leave my bikes in the garage during TT and give the course a swerve,wouldn't go on the mountain in a car, it's not much consolation being in the right when you are injured or dead after insisting on your rights to ride.


Just saying:flowers:

Very sensible. When I was young we weren't allowed our bikes during TT, they were put away, and there was a lot less traffic back then, same applied when my kids were young. I have seen loads of children on bikes over the past week, many of them seem to be free to roam. Can't understand the parents, or is their attitude that ' no- one is telling me what to do ' ? I have also seen people I know driving like lunatics , what is wrong with them ? It has always been the same, with ' locals ' showing off ( generally to the amusement of the real bikers ) however the roads are now ' lethal ' please use some sense for the sake of your children , yourselves and others on the road. We should no need to be told by the cops, We know about the TT and should set the ' right ' example.

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I leave my bikes in the garage during TT and give the course a swerve,wouldn't go on the mountain in a car, it's not much consolation being in the right when you are injured or dead after insisting on your rights to ride.


Just saying:flowers:

Very sensible. When I was young we weren't allowed our bikes during TT, they were put away, and there was a lot less traffic back then, same applied when my kids were young. I have seen loads of children on bikes over the past week, many of them seem to be free to roam. Can't understand the parents, or is their attitude that ' no- one is telling me what to do ' ? I have also seen people I know driving like lunatics , what is wrong with them ? It has always been the same, with ' locals ' showing off ( generally to the amusement of the real bikers ) however the roads are now ' lethal ' please use some sense for the sake of your children , yourselves and others on the road. We should no need to be told by the cops, We know about the TT and should set the ' right ' example.


right, leave the 'real bikers' all the roads so that they can wrap themselves around the nearest tree and go home in a box without distubing the natives :lol:

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There’s a huge amount of hypocrisy being spouted with regard to the cyclist. Time and again with regard to support for the TT I read the bikers know the risk and those who don’t race or aren’t bikers don’t understand the thrill to paraphrase want a boring life


Now a cyclist goes over the mountain presumably knowing the risks and getting a buzz and he is an “idiot”. That seems a huge case of double standards. Sorry what should be good for one should be good for the other although personally I think you would be have a screw loose to cycle over the mountain during the TT or enter the TT because to paraphrase paswt you are not much use injured or dead.


What the cyclist is doing is legal though probably not very wise. It should be perfectly safe because if you are not riding or driving in a way that means you cannot avoid a cyclist then presumably you would not be able to avoid an accident or a breakdown if you came across one and are therefore riding or driving without due care and attention or whatever the phrase is these days.

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There’s a huge amount of hypocrisy being spouted with regard to the cyclist. Time and again with regard to support for the TT I read the bikers know the risk and those who don’t race or aren’t bikers don’t understand the thrill to paraphrase want a boring life


Now a cyclist goes over the mountain presumably knowing the risks and getting a buzz and he is an “idiot”. That seems a huge case of double standards. Sorry what should be good for one should be good for the other although personally I think you would be have a screw loose to cycle over the mountain during the TT or enter the TT because to paraphrase paswt you are not much use injured or dead.


What the cyclist is doing is legal though probably not very wise. It should be perfectly safe because if you are not riding or driving in a way that means you cannot avoid a cyclist then presumably you would not be able to avoid an accident or a breakdown if you came across one and are therefore riding or driving without due care and attention or whatever the phrase is these days.



so you one minute you gripe because he's been called an idiot, and next you say his legal choice is probably not very wise. they seem like similar sentiments to me.

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The hilarious thing about the cyclist is that one will get hit and cause death, and then those in charge will go "After reviewing this unfortunate accident, during TT cycling over the mountain is prohibited" rather than taking the pre-emptive measure now. Until someone dies it isn't a problem...

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The hilarious thing about the cyclist is that one will get hit and cause death, and then those in charge will go "After reviewing this unfortunate accident, during TT cycling over the mountain is prohibited" rather than taking the pre-emptive measure now. Until someone dies it isn't a problem...




I'm pretty sure the chief constable was on Manx radio a couple of years ago saying they are not allowed up there.

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The hilarious thing about the cyclist is that one will get hit and cause death, and then those in charge will go "After reviewing this unfortunate accident, during TT cycling over the mountain is prohibited" rather than taking the pre-emptive measure now. Until someone dies it isn't a problem...



I'm pretty sure the chief constable was on Manx radio a couple of years ago saying they are not allowed up there.



I heard that this year, I also saw a motorcyclist crash into the back of a cyclist ( there was a pair of them two abreast ) nearly 30 years ago at the exact same spot.. the motorcyclist went sliding down the road following his bike and the cyclist had a hell of a whack on his shoulder. it was blustery and a gust of wind blew the cyclists into the motorcyclist path. I left forthwith once I realised everyone was alive to avoid getting involved.

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There’s a huge amount of hypocrisy being spouted with regard to the cyclist. Time and again with regard to support for the TT I read the bikers know the risk and those who don’t race or aren’t bikers don’t understand the thrill to paraphrase want a boring life

Now a cyclist goes over the mountain presumably knowing the risks and getting a buzz and he is an “idiot”. That seems a huge case of double standards. Sorry what should be good for one should be good for the other although personally I think you would be have a screw loose to cycle over the mountain during the TT or enter the TT because to paraphrase paswt you are not much use injured or dead.

What the cyclist is doing is legal though probably not very wise. It should be perfectly safe because if you are not riding or driving in a way that means you cannot avoid a cyclist then presumably you would not be able to avoid an accident or a breakdown if you came across one and are therefore riding or driving without due care and attention or whatever the phrase is these days.



so you one minute you gripe because he's been called an idiot, and next you say his legal choice is probably not very wise. they seem like similar sentiments to me.

I think almost everyone is agreeing that it's a stupid thing to do. It's just that there seem to be a lot of people asserting other peoples right to be stupid. To me it's an issue of common sense. I would not even go up on the Mountain in my car on Mad Sunday. If some death-wish lunatic wants to have a cycle up there I dont particularly have a problem with that. If he is that stupid and he's prepared to be killed by a bike doing 160mph into him then he deserves all he gets. Maybe Dignitas could sponsor a Mad Sunday cycle fest for the terminally stupid who also wish to kill themselves?

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so you one minute you gripe because he's been called an idiot, and next you say his legal choice is probably not very wise. they seem like similar sentiments to me.

They are but I am consistent. I am not saying bikers should be allowed to do a dangerous activity which may result in serious injury/death as they know the risks but the cyclist also knowing the risks should not be.


I think it is daft letting riders kill themselves in the TT or motorists being allowed to go over the mountain at whatever speed they like, just as I think it is daft cyclists going over the mountain rode during TT fortnight.

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I think almost everyone is agreeing that it's a stupid thing to do. It's just that there seem to be a lot of people asserting other peoples right to be stupid. To me it's an issue of common sense. I would not even go up on the Mountain in my car on Mad Sunday. If some death-wish lunatic wants to have a cycle up there I dont particularly have a problem with that. If he is that stupid and he's prepared to be killed by a bike doing 160mph into him then he deserves all he gets. Maybe Dignitas could sponsor a Mad Sunday cycle fest for the terminally stupid who also wish to kill themselves?

In a nut shell it is what I was trying to say. If we let others do things that we might think are stupid as they know the risks why should the same not apply to the cyclost

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It's been called 'Dignitas for speed kings' Sultan. Cheaper than Switzerland too,


We're all agreed about the cyclist, but there are a few nutters who seem to consider it macho to take on the bikes and to assert their rights of the road. I saw one a few years ago who appeared to want to mix it with the bikes on the downhill run in to the Creg. Fortunately most cyclists use discretion and common sense. I don't even go up there in the car these days during T.T.

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My grandad took his bike to the terrace in TT week to do his shopping, when my dad advised that maybe he should leave his bike at home for TT he was told "I have as much right to be on the road as anyone else!" and he cycled in TT week until he gave up cycling for health reasons (he was about 86)

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As many have observed the road is a public highway and the cyclist was simply using it.


Were access to the road to be restricted in some way, it may no longer be viewed as a public highway by insurance companies, and additional cover could be required for anyone using it a la Nurburgring.

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