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Another option is to maybe look at the accident blackspots and see if something can be done there. It seems to me that certain corners cause regular issues such as the top of the Mountain Mile and at the top of Hailwoods rise.


On another note we fired over there on thw way back from Ramsey yesterday. When we got past the Creg onto the 2 way system there were a number of bikes who went through Brandish on the right of the road.

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Another option is to maybe look at the accident blackspots and see if something can be done there. It seems to me that certain corners cause regular issues such as the top of the Mountain Mile and at the top of Hailwoods rise.


On another note we fired over there on thw way back from Ramsey yesterday. When we got past the Creg onto the 2 way system there were a number of bikes who went through Brandish on the right of the road.


Oh yes I consistently get bikes flooring it past me in the 40mph zone straight after the creg and onwards.

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...maybe look at the accident blackspots and see if something can be done there...

Yes. Speed bumps and temporary chicanes.


I was thinking more coned areas.

They used to annoy me when they first got placed on the road but the reality is that they are needed. You can be certain you would get a stack of accidents at Waterworks and Keppel Gate without them.

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More cyclists might slow them down. The thought that there could be a cyclist or pedestrian should already slow them down.

speed limits don't work !

race team van overtook me up Brown Cow Hill 50mph zone like a bullet, doesn't help stay anonymous with a well known racer name plastered across the side :lol:

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speed limits don't work !

Yes they do or people would travel through 30mph zones at the same speed as they do through derestricted areas and that is obviously not the case.


Do 100% of people strictly obey 100% of the time? No, but that is different from saying they don't work. I struggle to think of any law that works 100% of the time even with very serious penalties as people seem happy to commit murder in places where there is a death penalty.


One thing that does annoy me is the police messages continually requesting riders/drivers slow down. If that is really what the police want get their political masters to introduce an all Island limit. It won't happen cos safety comes after the deemed cash cow of the TT and wanting to get re-elected.

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speed limits don't work !

race team van overtook me up Brown Cow Hill 50mph zone like a bullet, doesn't help stay anonymous with a well known racer name plastered across the side :lol:

Say there was a 60mph limit up there.

Say you knew there were 40 cameras at different invisible location.

Say 10 of them were randomly operating at any given time.


Finally, say anyone caught breaking the limit by up to 10% got a £500 fine and points, and anyone over 10% immediately lost their license and their vehicle.


Do you think that speed limit would work?


Just because other countries do things in a certain way does mean we have to.

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speed limits don't work !

race team van overtook me up Brown Cow Hill 50mph zone like a bullet, doesn't help stay anonymous with a well known racer name plastered across the side laugh.png

Say there was a 60mph limit up there.

Say you knew there were 40 cameras at different invisible location.

Say 10 of them were randomly operating at any given time.


Finally, say anyone caught breaking the limit by up to 10% got a £500 fine and points, and anyone over 10% immediately lost their license and their vehicle.


Do you think that speed limit would work?


Just because other countries do things in a certain way does mean we have to.


About 8 people would lose their licences until the populace realised it was serious.


Then it would work. Like a dream.

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The sign at the bottom of the Richmond is more like an essay, "The misty mountain road is glistening, there may be a possibility of some ice" - SMASH. I don't bother reading it, TLDR , whatever it says I'm sure I'll find out further down the road. What can it possibly have to say that is of any use? Bloody stupid and dangerous place to put a 5000 word notice board.

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