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speed limits don't work !

Yes they do or people would travel through 30mph zones at the same speed as they do through derestricted areas and that is obviously not the case.


Do 100% of people strictly obey 100% of the time? No, but that is different from saying they don't work. I struggle to think of any law that works 100% of the time even with very serious penalties as people seem happy to commit murder in places where there is a death penalty.


One thing that does annoy me is the police messages continually requesting riders/drivers slow down. If that is really what the police want get their political masters to introduce an all Island limit. It won't happen cos safety comes after the deemed cash cow of the TT and wanting to get re-elected.


if they aren't obeyed by 100% they don't work

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speed limits don't work !

Yes they do or people would travel through 30mph zones at the same speed as they do through derestricted areas and that is obviously not the case.


Do 100% of people strictly obey 100% of the time? No, but that is different from saying they don't work. I struggle to think of any law that works 100% of the time even with very serious penalties as people seem happy to commit murder in places where there is a death penalty.


One thing that does annoy me is the police messages continually requesting riders/drivers slow down. If that is really what the police want get their political masters to introduce an all Island limit. It won't happen cos safety comes after the deemed cash cow of the TT and wanting to get re-elected.

if they aren't obeyed by 100% they don't work

You can't really believe that? You think if there want any 70mph limit on motorways everyone would self police and there wouldn't be an increase in accidents?


Just because not everyone follows. Law to the letter, doesn't mean it "doesn't work" if working is classed as slowing people down and reducing crashes, injury and deaths.

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speed limits don't work !

Yes they do or people would travel through 30mph zones at the same speed as they do through derestricted areas and that is obviously not the case.


Do 100% of people strictly obey 100% of the time? No, but that is different from saying they don't work. I struggle to think of any law that works 100% of the time even with very serious penalties as people seem happy to commit murder in places where there is a death penalty.


One thing that does annoy me is the police messages continually requesting riders/drivers slow down. If that is really what the police want get their political masters to introduce an all Island limit. It won't happen cos safety comes after the deemed cash cow of the TT and wanting to get re-elected.

if they aren't obeyed by 100% they don't work

You can't really believe that? You think if there want any 70mph limit on motorways everyone would self police and there wouldn't be an increase in accidents?


Just because not everyone follows. Law to the letter, doesn't mean it "doesn't work" if working is classed as slowing people down and reducing crashes, injury and deaths.


being pedantic, yes it does, if it looks like a limit, smells like a limit, it is A LIMIT

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speed limits don't work !

Yes they do or people would travel through 30mph zones at the same speed as they do through derestricted areas and that is obviously not the case.


Do 100% of people strictly obey 100% of the time? No, but that is different from saying they don't work. I struggle to think of any law that works 100% of the time even with very serious penalties as people seem happy to commit murder in places where there is a death penalty.


One thing that does annoy me is the police messages continually requesting riders/drivers slow down. If that is really what the police want get their political masters to introduce an all Island limit. It won't happen cos safety comes after the deemed cash cow of the TT and wanting to get re-elected.

if they aren't obeyed by 100% they don't work
You can't really believe that? You think if there want any 70mph limit on motorways everyone would self police and there wouldn't be an increase in accidents?


Just because not everyone follows. Law to the letter, doesn't mean it "doesn't work" if working is classed as slowing people down and reducing crashes, injury and deaths.

being pedantic, yes it does, if it looks like a limit, smells like a limit, it is A LIMIT

Like the drink drive limit? Limit on how much tax you can dodge (none) limit on how much you have to send your kids to school,


If it reduces the number of people who take the piss it works. Unless you have an alternative solution that would work better?

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Can you give an example of a law that does "work"?

I think the laws surrounding murder are sound - providing they have seen you murder someone, you admit murdering someone, or circumstantial evidence points to the fact that you have probably murdered someone. I doubt if you simply put up a sign that said "No murder zone" that it would have much of an impact on murders in the surrounding area.


But by Tempus Fungit's definition that law does not work because people still get murdered. There is no "No murder zone" sign because it is the law of the land everywhere so it is written on a piece of paper somewhere rather than a sign. Maybe if we had areas where murder was aloud and areas where it is not then there would be "No murder zone" signs.


Speed limit signs do work because people do limit their speeds when they see them. To below the number on the sign? Not all do but people regress towards the stated limit that shows they work.

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Those saying speed limits don't work, has anyone got stats for TT fortnight accidents from ballacraine to ballaugh pre and post the extra limits round there?


If anyone had the info and time to work it out I am sure there are (a lot) less accidents round there than there were when there were unrestricted sections.


If that's the case, and adding the limits has significantly reduced accidents and injury how do limits not work?


It's simply not safe or sensible to allow them to do whatever speed they want over the mountain.


Does that mean I want to see an all island limit? No. But they need slowing down over the mountain during TT and if it takes severe and almost draconian penalties to make that happen then that is what we should do.

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Yeah, save 'them' from themselves, bluster, posture, self important sabre rattling blah blah blah. Afterall, anybody who doesn't get injured or killed riding fast on a motorbike will live forever, happy and safe in the knowledge that people who don't like the TT or motorbikes (under the pretence of H&S concerns) were their salvation. Do you lot have any idea how pathetic and sad you sound bleating away on a tiny little forum, like tiny fish in a tiny pond, all egging each other on to be that bit more draconian in your views and values. None of you are of the least bit of interest to anybody except yourselves, neither do you put put millions of pounds into the local economy, so a speed limit on the mountain is not going to happen, I'm sure that sucks, get over it. Maybe Seth Rogan writes the material for several of you? lol.

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Given that there seems to have been a cluster of accidents at Brandywell this year, I can see that being subject to safety improvements ( like Kate's and the Creg) before you get a speed limit imposed on the mountain road.

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Yeah, save 'them' from themselves, bluster, posture, self important sabre rattling blah blah blah. Afterall, anybody who doesn't get injured or killed riding fast on a motorbike will live forever, happy and safe in the knowledge that people who don't like the TT or motorbikes (under the pretence of H&S concerns) were their salvation. Do you lot have any idea how pathetic and sad you sound bleating away on a tiny little forum, like tiny fish in a tiny pond, all egging each other on to be that bit more draconian in your views and values. None of you are of the least bit of interest to anybody except yourselves, neither do you put put millions of pounds into the local economy, so a speed limit on the mountain is not going to happen, I'm sure that sucks, get over it. Maybe Seth Rogan writes the material for several of you? lol.


bit of rage with the morning coffee was it?

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Given that there seems to have been a cluster of accidents at Brandywell this year, I can see that being subject to safety improvements ( like Kate's and the Creg) before you get a speed limit imposed on the mountain road.


there are accidents at brandywell nearly every year, e few years back the banking was raked back significantly to provide a better view of the road ahead and improve drainage, but you still get the muppets who don't know it tightens up on itself a bit. a webcam on top of that little hutty thing would make interesting viewing for all the almost crashes too.

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