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Yeah, save 'them' from themselves, bluster, posture, self important sabre rattling blah blah blah. Afterall, anybody who doesn't get injured or killed riding fast on a motorbike will live forever, happy and safe in the knowledge that people who don't like the TT or motorbikes (under the pretence of H&S concerns) were their salvation. Do you lot have any idea how pathetic and sad you sound bleating away on a tiny little forum, like tiny fish in a tiny pond, all egging each other on to be that bit more draconian in your views and values. None of you are of the least bit of interest to anybody except yourselves, neither do you put put millions of pounds into the local economy, so a speed limit on the mountain is not going to happen, I'm sure that sucks, get over it. Maybe Seth Rogan writes the material for several of you? lol.


bit of rage with the morning coffee was it?


No actually, it was one of those Maltesers chocolate bars. Nom nom.

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Verily Mr Sausages. The Manx first Commandment, brought down from the mountain. And should the Commandment be broken, there will be a great silence in the tabernacle on the hill - known as Tynwald; or if it be spake on Manx Forums, the air will be rent and there will follow a great wailing and gnashing of teeth, whichever is the greater.......


Any suggestions for other Manx Commandments gladly received ph34r.png

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Verily Mr Sausages. The Manx first Commandment, brought down from the mountain. And should the Commandment be broken, there will be a great silence in the tabernacle on the hill - known as Tynwald; or if it be spake on Manx Forums, the air will be rent and there will follow a great wailing and gnashing of teeth, whichever is the greater.......


Any suggestions for other Manx Commandments gladly received ph34r.png


If thou doth not like it, thou can set sail before the sun hath reached it's zenith

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Out of interest, why arrogant? Why not stupid? Or an adrenaline junkie? Or crazy?


Why are cyclists always arrogant whereas bikers are decent, down to earth blokes who just happen to like risking their own (and other people's) lives?

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Out of interest, why arrogant? Why not stupid? Or an adrenaline junkie? Or crazy?


Why are cyclists always arrogant whereas bikers are decent, down to earth blokes who just happen to like risking their own (and other people's) lives?


See the commandment about not questioning the TT...

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