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The road speed should reflect the 'talent' required to pass a driving test which isn't that high. 60mph on stretches of the mountain is fine with a reduction for the trickier bits.

As pointed out above during the lockdown speed restriction no accidents, now lots. It's patently obvious that derestriction of the road is unsafe.

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19 hours ago, The Duck of Atholl said:

The road speed should reflect the 'talent' required to pass a driving test which isn't that high. 60mph on stretches of the mountain is fine with a reduction for the trickier bits.

As pointed out above during the lockdown speed restriction no accidents, now lots. It's patently obvious that derestriction of the road is unsafe.

not that simple, during lockdown very little traffic and the traffic that was allowed on the roads was being driven by key workers or the more sensible people in society,  the knobhead section was kept at home.

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2 hours ago, WTF said:

not that simple, during lockdown very little traffic and the traffic that was allowed on the roads was being driven by key workers or the more sensible people in society,  the knobhead section was kept at home.

This is true. Unfortunately the knobhead section is now back on the road in an unrestricted fashion which is being starkly highlighted by the number of incidents. Which is fine as long as incidents are restricted to the knobhead perpetrators (although we all pay the price in insurance premiums, NHS costs and inconvenience). It's when other innocent users are caught up in it that the problems really start.

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2 hours ago, WTF said:

they should only allow people that can actually drive to use the roads.

Has it ever occurred to you that some people might drive slowly because of all the idiots on the road ? I've noticed my driving get progressively slower over the years as I become more aware of dangers that I didn't think about when I was young, fast and stupid. It might be counter-intuitive, but perhaps the faster drivers slow everyone else down to keep out of their way for their own safety on dangerous routes. Think about that. 

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12 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Has it ever occurred to you that some people might drive slowly because of all the idiots on the road ? I've noticed my driving get progressively slower over the years as I become more aware of dangers that I didn't think about when I was young, fast and stupid. It might be counter-intuitive, but perhaps the faster drivers slow everyone else down to keep out of their way for their own safety on dangerous routes. Think about that. 

I think that was the point, albeit badly, he was making SMJ. Lots of idiots who think they are more skilled than they actually are. Pass their test, get rid of the R plates then all of a sudden they are advanced motorists

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Not just new drivers! There are many of us oldies who still think that because they used to be rally drivers/racers/ tank commanders/ bus drivers/ motorcycle aces or HGV drivers that we can still hack it at silly speeds or when proving we have, 'still got it!'

Edited to add Range Rover drivers.lol

Edited by doc.fixit
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During lockdown I didn’t mind the trip over the mountain at 40mph with no overtaking. It was quite relaxing and took perhaps 5 minutes longer than usual. 

Now, if I come upon a lorry doing 40 up there I feel under pressure to overtake. I only ever do that when it’s absolutely safe to do so which depending on traffic can take a while, during which time I’m less relaxed looking for opportunities to go. 

If we could all get into the mindset that it’s a road not a track and accept a speed limit (50 or 60 perhaps) with double white lines all the way it’d be safer by far, and the average blood pressure of the population would be reduced. 

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I always overtake where I can do so safely, to try and maintain traffic flow for other vehicles where it seems necessary. But even simple overtaking carries its own risk. I've posted this before but I nearly came a cropper some years ago when overtaking a large vehicle on the mountain. Just as I was accelerating and pulling out to overtake, the large vehicle did the same thing. A car in front of him had pulled up suddenly (I think to answer their phone) without heed to the traffic behind. But as it was a straight bit of road they probably considered it safe to stop - it wasn't. 

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50 minutes ago, wrighty said:

During lockdown I didn’t mind the trip over the mountain at 40mph with no overtaking. It was quite relaxing and took perhaps 5 minutes longer than usual. 

Now, if I come upon a lorry doing 40 up there I feel under pressure to overtake. I only ever do that when it’s absolutely safe to do so which depending on traffic can take a while, during which time I’m less relaxed looking for opportunities to go. 

If we could all get into the mindset that it’s a road not a track and accept a speed limit (50 or 60 perhaps) with double white lines all the way it’d be safer by far, and the average blood pressure of the population would be reduced. 

Post of the year.

It is totally mental up there. The wall at the Gooseneck and Waterworks have been hit 4 times in as many weeks.

The mountain road is an old dirt track that ended up being surfaced with tarmac. As such its width and type of bends have not been designed like a typical A type road in the UK or Europe. It should have a limit of 50mph and the narrow bits should be widened - Stuff the TT - it is only a matter of time before there are more fatalities up there with totally innocent persons killed by an out of control moron.

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So far as I can find out, the Isle of Man is the only country on the planet that does not have a speed limit on 2-way roads.

Presumably other countries have speed limits because of the value they place on human life.

No doubt the IoM gov. believes that they are right, and the rest of the world is wrong.


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2 hours ago, wrighty said:

During lockdown I didn’t mind the trip over the mountain at 40mph with no overtaking. It was quite relaxing and took perhaps 5 minutes longer than usual. 

Now, if I come upon a lorry doing 40 up there I feel under pressure to overtake. I only ever do that when it’s absolutely safe to do so which depending on traffic can take a while, during which time I’m less relaxed looking for opportunities to go. 

But.... that's your own perception?

I was tootling over the mountain today and came upon a lorry doing 45 mph and I didn't overtake it. I was totally relaxed about it. 

If I was up there with a clear road in front of me I would prefer to do whatever speed I felt was appropriate for the conditions, not one imposed upon me because you can't handle the pressure of choosing whether to overtake or not.

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2 hours ago, Boris Johnson said:

Post of the year.

It is totally mental up there. The wall at the Gooseneck and Waterworks have been hit 4 times in as many weeks.

The mountain road is an old dirt track that ended up being surfaced with tarmac. As such its width and type of bends have not been designed like a typical A type road in the UK or Europe. It should have a limit of 50mph and the narrow bits should be widened - Stuff the TT - it is only a matter of time before there are more fatalities up there with totally innocent persons killed by an out of control moron.

A bit of an exaggeration Boris. Yes there have been some bad accidents up there but the two places you mention are slow corners with no kerbs to keep people away from the walls? It doesn't take much for some duffer to drift into said wall at a fairly low speed. I don't think a low limit would have the desired effect over the Mountain as people will speed where the road is clear. A limit of 70mph should be sufficient over most of the road? Better opportunities for people to use their cars at track focussed events would help I'm sure.

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27 minutes ago, Rhumsaa said:

But.... that's your own perception?

I was tootling over the mountain today and came upon a lorry doing 45 mph and I didn't overtake it. I was totally relaxed about it. 

If I was up there with a clear road in front of me I would prefer to do whatever speed I felt was appropriate for the conditions, not one imposed upon me because you can't handle the pressure of choosing whether to overtake or not.

I think you're taking a pop at the wrong end of the spectrum.

IMHO the main issue, RTA's that kill and maim people, are caused by the stupid wankers who probably have no idea what speed is appropriate for the conditions and in any event care even less. Basically an accident looking for somewhere to take place. We've all been hassled by them...

I'm quite sure that these days I drive like the sort of person who used to get in my way. However we all pay road tax, except for those selfish cyclists of course, so we all have a right to drive on the roads at whatever speed we feel comfortable at.

As you get older your reaction time inevitably slows down. So the slower you go the more time you have to think and the more time you have to react. Which makes you a safer driver.

So I figure the "ideal" speed limit would be one that matched the conditions with the proviso that it is high enough to overtake safely.

Which, unfortunately, is all relative...

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