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Where that crash has happened, at the Douglas end of the mountain mile, there’s a left right kink in the road with adverse camber on the right hander. There’s also quite often a puddle at the side of the road which leaves the surrounding road wet. Not making excuses for the driver but it doesn’t help matters. 

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1 minute ago, Terminal said:

Where that crash has happened, at the Douglas end of the mountain mile, there’s a left right kink in the road with adverse camber on the right hander. There’s also quite often a puddle at the side of the road which leaves the surrounding road wet. Not making excuses for the driver but it doesn’t help matters. 

You also have the issue when travelling to Ramsey of overtaking cars on the outside of the bend going to the left so it's difficult to see past things.  Dangerous spot that.  Always has been.

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6 hours ago, pongo said:

That was also one of the main arguments used against crash helmets and seat belts.

It's not about people's rights to drive fast on main roads (as opposed to on private property). It's about the rights of the people who have to co-exist with them.

A big issue every day on the mountain is those men who overtake a few cars at a time, cutting into the braking distance between cars and causing the people they have passed to then need to brake. Perhaps because they are habitually late.

I see those types all the time too but I don't think they are late more likely they are very small in the trouser snake department and try and make up by driving like fools that they think will impresses the ladies..............

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In past motoring history matters;

People argued against compulsory seat belt fitting and wearing.

People argued against drink driving limits and subsequent reductions

People argued against compulsory crash helmets for motorcyclists

People argued against compulsory emissions equipment and regulations on vehicles

People argued against minimum tyre tread depth and tyre condition regulations

People probably argued against the imposition of 20, 30, 40, 50 and 70mph speed limits in the UK too.

People argued about the imposition of most things to do with motoring

But now with the benefit of hindsight, most of us see, or have seen the benefits. Often because we're still alive to do so, courtesy of those impositions.

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It's not so much about the law but whether it's enforced or not. The drink-drive law was rigorously enforced and so was effective. Very few people take the risk now. Same with speed limits. Put a 60mph limit on the mountain, get some coppers up there, and hammer the first three boy racers and lunatics who abuse it. Five year ban, big fine, and prison for the worst abusers. It would be sorted within the first month.

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