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Mountain Watch


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5 minutes ago RTC at Brandywell, mountain road closed from hairpin to Creg.

I was going to go over the mountain, got to the Ramsey Hairpin where the police had stopped the traffic so cars and bikes were queuing in the left lane. There are cones in the centre of the road and right side of the road is always closed for ambulance access.


A taxi driver near the front did a u turn and drove back down the ambulance access lane and told his mate in another taxi to do the same. Then everybody started doing it when suddenly you could hear ambulance sirens coming from Ramsey.


It took ages for the ambulance to get through only helped by those of us who hadn't turned around moving cones out of the way.


I hope whoever crashed got their ambulance in time.

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The IoM Constabulary have an excellent Facebook page devoted to the crazy antics on the roads. There have been dozens of comments posted there today protesting about the immense disruption that this so called Festival causes. Surely it is time to realise that the disruption being caused to ordinary folk, is simply unacceptable?


If the IoM Government are really concerned about road safety then the Mountain Road should be closed for the next two weeks. In the short term that will without question, save some lives this year. In the long term if will deter the lunatic fringe (who have no interest in the TT, they just wish to use the 'race track') from ever coming back.

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So the first practice has been cancelled due to the weather.


This announcement was made AFTER the roads had been closed. Thereby disrupting the lives of thousands of people who have no interest in the TT.


The weather is precisely what has been forecast all day. So why were the roads closed? Why were the local residents treated with such utter contempt by the race organisers.


It is time for the TT to be stopped for good!

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Thereby disrupting the lives of thousands of people who have no interest in the TT.

How very dare anyone disrupt you? Not being able to use ones car for a short time must have been horrific, harrowing and traumatic. The organisers should provide counselling for all involved.
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