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Well how about the 13.5 years for perverting the course of justice (he knew he was at fault and knowingly getting rid of evidence) and 4 years, or whatever,  for the harm and death he cause. 



I think the point is, this shit of a guy has got off lightly.

And no, he wont suffer the rest of his life. That is the point. These sort don't have a conscience.

Edited by Barlow
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On 12/15/2020 at 4:21 PM, Derek Flint said:

As I’ve said before, I’m an advocate of properly risk assessed, maximum speed for the route limits, those being not in excess of what is known as the design speed. That is a grown up approach to the safer speeds element of safe system. If you want higher speeds, engineer them to be suitable for such use, and in such a way as the consequences of a high speed crash won’t result in death or serious injury. That is the ‘safer roads’ bit

Training makes for safer people, another component , and the manufacturers are all working on making their cars safer. 

It all has to work together. You can’t just opt out of bits.

That's not an answer to the question "what would you set as a national speed limit?"

The island has 700 miles of paved roads. Risk assessing every inch of all of them isn't practical. So what would your default be? And why?

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1 minute ago, tetchtyke said:

That's not an answer to the question "what would you set as a national speed limit?"

The island has 700 miles of paved roads. Risk assessing every inch of all of them isn't practical. So what would your default be? And why?

Yes it is an answer. And it’s actually around 500 miles of roads. It’s a couple of months work for a qualified Highways engineer. 

If it wasn’t an answer that was workable, I wouldnt have posted it.

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Anyone who has been driving on the Island for 10 years knows where the danger spots are?

Except, of course, those SUV drivers on Crellins Hill!

Going up Vic road, you KNOW there will be line of parked cars on the right so you kerb hug, so not to hold up the down traffic but there are always the nervous ones who will  stop anyway!!! further up they'll be on the left, indicate early and keep close to the parked cars. Traffic flows!

The same applies to many bits of road all over the Island.

Don't be one of those drivers who only indicate 3 m. from their own driveway or turn off!!!

. and if someone cuts in front of you without the possibility of a collision, don't brake to a stop to wave your fist at them only to hold up traffic behind you!!!

That is all Or is it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

There was some woman whining on Facebook this morning because her and her boyfriend had decided between them that, because there was no sign of snow or ice down south, it was ok for him to ride his motorbike to Douglas, even though the snow and had been forecast. He binned it on snow at the roundabout after the home of rest for old horses (whatever that one’s called??). For some reason she was following him in her car. Then she was ‘absolutely fuming’ because it hadn’t been gritted, so phoned the DOI to complain.

It’s good job I didn’t take that call 😆

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22 minutes ago, Terminal said:

There was some woman whining on Facebook this morning because her and her boyfriend had decided between them that, because there was no sign of snow or ice down south, it was ok for him to ride his motorbike to Douglas, even though the snow and had been forecast. He binned it on snow at the roundabout after the home of rest for old horses (whatever that one’s called??). For some reason she was following him in her car. Then she was ‘absolutely fuming’ because it hadn’t been gritted, so phoned the DOI to complain.

It’s good job I didn’t take that call 😆

I saw a bike on the pavement by the roundabout at top of anagh coar, wondering if it had broken down. There was absolutely nothing after santon but slippery around Douglas early on

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