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18 minutes ago, asitis said:

Sadly John, what looks a great idea for an occasional small scale response, is just not expensive enough or overkill enough for the IOM. What we need are huge vehicles carrying tons of salt covered in flashing lights which people can be amazed at as they drive past them ! Some years ago the airport bought snow ploughs, no one ever went near them they eventually were too far gone to be saved so they bought more ! 

Quite. They really are flexible. As well as tailgates they fit on front bumpers ( including fire engines, buses )


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14 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Quite. They really are flexible. As well as tailgates they fit on front bumpers ( including fire engines, buses )


And we're certainly not short of buses that could be used in limited conditions, are we? I see the Ex/Indy this week has again raised the issue of minibus numbers on the front page...

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8 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

And we're certainly not short of buses that could be used in limited conditions, are we? I see the Ex/Indy this week has again raised the issue of minibus numbers on the front page...

Problem is, Longworth has decreed them a H&S hazard. Like bike racks. And they hide the index plate. It must be Brexit related. Everywhere else in Europe uses them.

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Well I for one am glad we have had Ian Longworth for so long. I remember the old death trap busses we had for years. Regularly seen broke down or being towed to the garage. Dirty, smelly noisy heaps of cr@p.

We got a bus home last night that was on time, spotless, cheap. It had WiFi and loads of USB power points. A very friendly and helpful driver and a very smooth journey.

I L is to be thanked for moving the transport forward. I’d rather taxpayers money was used for transport, rather than handed out to farmers by the million.

Edited by dilligaf
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3 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Pictures on UK tv of people sledging in the streets of Madrid too, John.

Madrid is very cold in winter. It’s the elevation and being so far inland. The motorway ring road is notorious for snow drifts. My post is more about a local authority, with a population less than Castletown,  being prepared. Doesn’t need flash big vehicles, just add ons to the usual work force transport. We could learn a thing or two.

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1 hour ago, Derek Flint said:

Some time ago, I suggested that the gritting and clearing of rural roads could be subbed out to farmers seeing as (a) they have the best to anywhere kit and (b) they aren’t likely to be doing other tasks when the ground is solid. 

Went down like a fart in a lift.

Of course it did, we cant have the farmers actually doing something other than collecting hand outs

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