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The only way to sort this problem out is to close the Mountain Road NOW. That will save a fortune in setting down and picking up cones. It will also save lives.


The 'minority of idiots' will have a frustrating two weeks, and are very unlikely to come back.


Except of course, that's bollox.


What would happen is a huge increase in traffic on the coast road in particular and the rest of the TT course. There would be more traffic through Laxey, Kirk Michael, Ballaugh etc. therefore more likelyhood of incidents affecting pedestrians. Also, far greater likelyhood of head-on collisions which are much more likely to result in fatal incidents. The coast road & Ballacraine to Glen Helen catch people out each year as it is. Far better to keep The Mountain Road one way, accepting an increase in incidents but statistically less likely to result in a fatality, although sadly they do still happen, but less than when The Mountain Road was left two-way. Also, by and large, people who are on The Mountain know the risks of being there are increased and therefore choose to accept that. Less confident drivers who are going about their daily business can choose the other routes and avoid some of the lemmings, if The Mountain is closed, they lose that choice.

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Thereby disrupting the lives of thousands of people who have no interest in the TT.

How very dare anyone disrupt you? Not being able to use ones car for a short time must have been horrific, harrowing and traumatic. The organisers should provide counselling for all involved.
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Anywhere else in the world would have a speed limit over the mountain for the two weeks of T.T. to calm the lunatics. But we don't do that. Instead, we put thousands of cones down, make it one way, and let everyone go as fast as they like. We close the road every hour or so to mop up after the inevitable carnage, then open it up again for a bit so the lunatics can have another blast. Then someone else comes off and the road is closed again. Then it's open again. This is repeated ad nauseam for two weeks. I doubt many people elsewhere would even believe it happens.

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The mountain road being one way potentially makes accidents when they happen less serious, but since making it one way a few years back it seems there are more accidents and road closures. Does anyone feel that is the case or is it that the police are more likely to close the road to clear up or investigate when there is an accident.


Mad Sunday was so called because previously it was the only day the mountain road was one way and there were generally a fair number of incidents. Maybe it was not a great idea having a "mad" Sunday everyday although one advantage of the change is that the actual numbers who go over the mountain on the Sunday are lower.


Reading the various forums most bikers, even those who like to go reasonably quick, appear sensible and thoughtful of others. There are though a minority of idiots out here and as I have said previously maybe giving the impression that you can come over to the Island and drive at what you pace you like is attracting these idiots and the more the mountain road appears to be a race track rather than a public road during the TT period the more of these idiots we get.

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Less confident drivers who are going about their daily business can choose the other routes and avoid some of the lemmings, if The Mountain is closed, they lose that choice.


I'd strongly advise against this, always follow the flow of the TT course whenever possible as the majority of bikers will be doing a 'lap' and following the race circuit, its a piece if advice that has served me well since passing my test, as you're much less likely to meet an oncoming biker going at warp speed, by choosing the coast road to travel to Douglas you'll be meeting bikers racing back to do another run over the mountain.

Edited by NeverAgain
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Anywhere else in the world would have a speed limit over the mountain for the two weeks of T.T. to calm the lunatics. But we don't do that. Instead, we put thousands of cones down, make it one way, and let everyone go as fast as they like. We close the road every hour or so to mop up after the inevitable carnage, then open it up again for a bit so the lunatics can have another blast. Then someone else comes off and the road is closed again. Then it's open again. This is repeated ad nauseam for two weeks. I doubt many people elsewhere would even believe it happens.

Quite right, problem is that our deluded politicians believe that the TT makes shed loads of cash so they instruct the police to turn a blind eye to all sorts of misdemeanors during TT fortnight, most of us are aware of this but nothing will change because this is Gods only TT, let the carnage continue.

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Anywhere else in the world would have a speed limit over the mountain for the two weeks of T.T. to calm the lunatics. But we don't do that. Instead, we put thousands of cones down, make it one way, and let everyone go as fast as they like. We close the road every hour or so to mop up after the inevitable carnage, then open it up again for a bit so the lunatics can have another blast. Then someone else comes off and the road is closed again. Then it's open again. This is repeated ad nauseam for two weeks. I doubt many people elsewhere would even believe it happens.

Quite right, problem is that our deluded politicians believe that the TT makes shed loads of cash so they instruct the police to turn a blind eye to all sorts of misdemeanors during TT fortnight, most of us are aware of this but nothing will change because this is Gods only TT, let the carnage continue.

No they don't


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