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Uk Hypocritical On Tax?


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Here's our friend Richard Murphy in the Gurnard. But he's making a reasonable point this time. David cameron has said if France brings in a 75% tax rate, he'll 'roll out the red carpet' to welcome french tax avoiders to Britain. But at the same time, tax avoidance is 'morally repugnant' especially if you're Jimmy Carr. Well is it or isn't it? Seems it's OK when it suits.

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The public has a vague idea that everything wrong in their lives is somehow something to do with the finance sector in general.


Tax dodging / tax avoidance is a softer target than banks and the bankers. Tax dodging / tax avoidance is also ripe for tabloid personification - i.e. celebrities we already hate who dodge their taxes. The Times, Guardian and Telegraph are just as tabloid. As are Sky and the BBC.


The focus on tax avoidance / tax dodging is a distraction. A softer target than the system itself. But probably sates 99% of that public bitterness.

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Read the article. Moving to another country to avoid paying high tax is different to staying in the original country but using a CI / IOM scheme to avoid tax altogether.


There's a very big difference between the Carr situation and that of wealthy French.

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Yes, the Jimmy Carr is a poor example, as he still lives in the UK. But they certainly seem to want to come down hard on the CI/IOM etc, while at the same time attracting people from elsewhere to the UK for lower tax.

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The public has a vague idea that everything wrong in their lives is somehow something to do with the finance sector in general.


Tax dodging / tax avoidance is a softer target than banks and the bankers. Tax dodging / tax avoidance is also ripe for tabloid personification - i.e. celebrities we already hate who dodge their taxes. The Times, Guardian and Telegraph are just as tabloid. As are Sky and the BBC.


The focus on tax avoidance / tax dodging is a distraction. A softer target than the system itself. But probably sates 99% of that public bitterness.

Yet it is immoral were tax to be seen as a method of paying a fair share to society.


I think this is a problem for the Island with a lot of what goes on in the Island because much of the finance sector is a highly immoral system and thus those working in it are performing immoral acts in undertaking it. I think this is why it gets people backs up when the Island is criticised.


But I agree, it is a soft target. Rather than challenging the system which allows it, it just criticises a natural facet of it. Of course those with the money can make much out of it.

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